Sec. 251. Declaration of purpose of this subchapter
Sec. 252. Purchases and contracts for property
Sec. 252a. Simplified acquisition threshold
Sec. 252b. Implementation of simplified acquisition procedures
Sec. 252c. Implementation of electronic commerce capability
Sec. 253. Competition requirements
Sec. 253a. Planning and solicitation requirements
Sec. 253b. Evaluation and award
Sec. 253c. Encouragement of new competition
Sec. 253d. Validation of proprietary data restrictions
Sec. 253e. Repealed. Pub. L. 103-355, title I, Sec. 1252, Oct. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 3284
Sec. 253f. Economic order qualities
Sec. 253g. Prohibition of contractors limiting subcontractor sales directly to United States
Sec. 253h. Task and delivery order contracts: general authority
Sec. 253i. Task order contracts: advisory and assistance services
Sec. 253j. Task and delivery order contracts: orders
Sec. 253k. Task and delivery order contracts: definitions
Sec. 253l. Severable services contracts for periods crossing fiscal years
Sec. 253l-1. Contract authority of Comptroller General
Sec. 253l-2. Contract authority of Library of Congress
Sec. 253l-3. Contract authority of Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives
Sec. 253l-4. Contract authority of Congressional Budget Office
Sec. 253m. Design-build selection procedures
Sec. 254. Contract requirements
Sec. 254a. Cost-type research and development contracts with educational institutions
Sec. 254b. Cost or pricing data: truth in negotiations
Sec. 254c. Multiyear contracts
Sec. 254d. Examination of records of contractor
Sec. 255. Contract financing
Sec. 256. Allowable costs
Sec. 256a. Waiver of liquidated damages
Sec. 257. Administrative determinations
Sec. 258. Repealed. Pub. L. 103-355, title VII, Sec. 7205, Oct. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 3382
Sec. 259. Definitions
Sec. 260. Laws not applicable to contracts
Sec. 261. Assignment and delegation of procurement functions and responsibilities
Sec. 262. Determinations and decisions
Sec. 263. Performance based management: acquisition programs
Sec. 264. Relationship of commercial item provisions to other provisions of law
Sec. 264a. Definitions relating to procurement of commercial items
Sec. 264b. Preference for acquisition of commercial items
Sec. 265. Contractor employees: protection from reprisal for disclosure of certain information
Sec. 266. Merit-based award of grants for research and development
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