TITLE 42 > CHAPTER 35 > SUBCHAPTER II > Sec. 3015. | Prev | Next |
Sec. 3015. - Federal Council on the Aging
(a) Establishment; membership; term; representation of interests; qualification; previously appointed members
There is established a Federal Council on the Aging to be composed of 15 members. Except as provided in subsection (b)(1)(A) of this section, members shall serve for terms of 3 years, ending on March 31 regardless of the actual date of appointment, without regard to the provisions of title 5. Members shall be appointed from among individuals who have expertise and experience in the field of aging by each appointing authority so as to be representative of rural and urban older individuals, national organizations with an interest in aging, business, labor, minorities, Indian tribes, and the general public. At least three of the members appointed by each appointing authority shall be older individuals. No full-time officer or employee of the Federal Government may be appointed as a member of the Council. Members appointed to the Federal Council on the Aging established by this section prior to October 9, 1992, who are serving on such date, shall continue to serve on the Federal Council established by paragraph (1) of this subsection until members are appointed in accordance with subsection (b)(1) of this section. (b) Appointment of class 1, class 2, and class 3 members; vacancies; compensation and travel expenses
The initial members of the Federal Council on the Aging shall be appointed on April 1, 1993, as follows: 5 members, who shall be referred to as class 1 members, shall be appointed for a term of 1 year; 5 members, who shall be referred to as class 2 members, shall be appointed for a term of 2 years; and 5 members, who shall be referred to as class 3 members, shall be appointed for a term of 3 years. Members appointed in 1994 and each third year thereafter shall be referred to as class 1 members. Members appointed in 1995 and each third year thereafter shall be referred to as class 2 members. Members appointed in 1996 and each third year thereafter shall be referred to as class 3 members. Members of each class shall be appointed in the manner prescribed by this subparagraph. Of the members of class 1, two shall be appointed by the President, two by the President pro tempore of the Senate upon the recommendation of the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader, and one by the Speaker of the House of Representatives upon the recommendation of the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader. Of the members of class 2, two shall be appointed by the President, one by the President pro tempore of the Senate upon the recommendation of the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader, and two by the Speaker of the House of Representatives upon the recommendation of the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader. Of the members of class 3, one shall be appointed by the President, two by the President pro tempore of the Senate upon the recommendation of the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader, and two by the Speaker of the House of Representatives upon the recommendation of the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which such member's predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of such term. Members shall be eligible for reappointment and may serve after the expiration of their terms until their successors have taken office. Any vacancy in the Council shall not affect its powers, but shall be filled in the same manner by which the original appointment was made. Members of the Council shall, while serving on business of the Council, be entitled to receive compensation at a rate not to exceed the daily equivalent of the rate specified for level V of the Executive Schedule under section 5316 of title 5, including traveltime, and while so serving away from their homes or regular places of business, they may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, in the same manner as the expenses authorized by section 5703(b) [1] of title 5 for persons in the Government service employed intermittently. (c) Chairperson; meetings
The President shall designate the Chairperson from among the members appointed to the Council. The Council shall meet at the call of the Chairperson at least quarterly. (d) Duties of Federal Council on the Aging
advise and assist the President on matters relating to the special needs of older individuals; directly advise the Assistant Secretary on matters affecting the special needs of older individuals for services and assistance under this chapter; review and evaluate, on a continuing basis, Federal policies regarding the aging and programs and other activities affecting the aging conducted or assisted by all Federal departments and agencies for the purpose of appraising their value and their impact on the lives of older individuals and of identifying duplication and gaps among the types of services provided under such programs and activities; serve as a spokesman on behalf of older individuals by making recommendations to the President, to the Secretary, to the Assistant Secretary, and to the Congress with respect to Federal policies regarding the aging and federally conducted or assisted programs and other activities relating to or affecting them; inform the public about the problems and needs of the aging by collecting and disseminating information, conducting or commissioning studies and publishing the results thereof, and by issuing publications and reports; and provide public forums for discussing and publicizing the problems and needs of the aging and obtaining information relating thereto by conducting public hearings, and by conducting or sponsoring conferences, workshops, and other such meetings. (e) Staff, information, and other assistance
The Council shall have staff personnel, appointed by the Chairperson, to assist it in carrying out its activities. The head of each Federal department and agency shall make available to the Council such information and other assistance as it may require to carry out its activities. (f) Reports to President; transmittal to Congress
Beginning with the year 1974 the Council shall make interim reports and an annual report of its findings and recommendations to the President not later than March 31 of each year. The President shall transmit each such report to the Congress together with his comments and recommendations. (g) Authorization of appropriations There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $300,000 for fiscal year 1992 and such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 1993, 1994, and 1995. [1] See References in Text note below. |
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