TITLE 42 > CHAPTER 82 > SUBCHAPTER VII > Sec. 6977. | Prev | Next |
Sec. 6977. - Grants or contracts for training projects
(a) General authority
The Administrator is authorized to make grants to, and contracts with any eligible organization. For purposes of this section the term ''eligible organization'' means a State or interstate agency, a municipality, educational institution, and any other organization which is capable of effectively carrying out a project which may be funded by grant under subsection (b) of this section. (b) Purposes
Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), grants or contracts may be made to pay all or a part of the costs, as may be determined by the Administrator, of any project operated or to be operated by an eligible organization, which is designed - to develop, expand, or carry out a program (which may combine training, education, and employment) for training persons for occupations involving the management, supervision, design, operation, or maintenance of solid waste management and resource recovery equipment and facilities; or to train instructors and supervisory personnel to train or supervise persons in occupations involving the design, operation, and maintenance of solid waste management and resource recovery equipment and facilities. A grant or contract authorized by paragraph (1) of this subsection may be made only upon application to the Administrator at such time or times and containing such information as he may prescribe, except that no such application shall be approved unless it provides for the same procedures and reports (and access to such reports and to other records) as required by section 3254a(b)(4) and (5) [1] of this title (as in effect before October 21, 1976) with respect to applications made under such section (as in effect before October 21, 1976). [1] See References in Text note below |
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