Sec. 10101. Definitions
Sec. 10102. Separability
Sec. 10103. Territories and possessions
Sec. 10104. Ocean disposal
Sec. 10105. Limitation on spending authority
Sec. 10106. Protection of classified national security information
Sec. 10107. Applicability to atomic energy defense activities
Sec. 10108. Applicability to transportation
Sec. 10121. State and affected Indian tribe participation in development of proposed repositories for defense waste
Sec. 10131. Findings and purposes
Sec. 10132. Recommendation of candidate sites for site characterization
Sec. 10133. Site characterization
Sec. 10134. Site approval and construction authorization
Sec. 10135. Review of repository site selection
Sec. 10136. Participation of States
Sec. 10137. Consultation with States and affected Indian tribes
Sec. 10138. Participation of Indian tribes
Sec. 10139. Judicial review of agency actions
Sec. 10140. Expedited authorizations
Sec. 10141. Certain standards and criteria
Sec. 10142. Disposal of spent nuclear fuel
Sec. 10143. Title to material
Sec. 10144. Consideration of effect of acquisition of water rights
Sec. 10145. Termination of certain provisions
Sec. 10151. Findings and purposes
Sec. 10152. Available capacity for interim storage of spent nuclear fuel
Sec. 10153. Interim at-reactor storage
Sec. 10154. Licensing of facility expansions and transshipments
Sec. 10155. Storage of spent nuclear fuel
Sec. 10156. Interim Storage Fund
Sec. 10157. Transportation
Sec. 10161. Monitored retrievable storage
Sec. 10162. Authorization of monitored retrievable storage
Sec. 10163. Monitored Retrievable Storage Commission
Sec. 10164. Survey
Sec. 10165. Site selection
Sec. 10166. Notice of disapproval
Sec. 10167. Benefits agreement
Sec. 10168. Construction authorization
Sec. 10169. Financial assistance
Sec. 10171. Financial arrangements for low-level radioactive waste site closure
Sec. 10172. Selection of Yucca Mountain site
Sec. 10172a. Siting a second repository
Sec. 10173. Benefits agreements
Sec. 10173a. Content of agreements
Sec. 10173b. Review Panel
Sec. 10173c. Termination
Sec. 10174. Consideration in siting facilities
Sec. 10174a. Report
Sec. 10175. Transportation
Sec. 10191. Purpose
Sec. 10192. Applicability
Sec. 10193. Identification of sites
Sec. 10194. Siting research and related activities
Sec. 10195. Test and evaluation facility siting review and reports
Sec. 10196. Federal agency actions
Sec. 10197. Research and development on disposal of high-level radioactive waste
Sec. 10198. Research and development on spent nuclear fuel
Sec. 10199. Payments to States and Indian tribes
Sec. 10200. Study of research and development needs for monitored retrievable storage proposal
Sec. 10201. Judicial review
Sec. 10202. Research on alternatives for permanent disposal of high-level radioactive waste
Sec. 10203. Technical assistance to non-nuclear weapon states in field of spent fuel storage and disposal
Sec. 10204. Subseabed disposal
Sec. 10221. Mission plan
Sec. 10222. Nuclear Waste Fund
Sec. 10223. Alternative means of financing
Sec. 10224. Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
Sec. 10225. Location of test and evaluation facility
Sec. 10226. Nuclear Regulatory Commission training authorization
Sec. 10241. ''State'' defined
Sec. 10242. Office of Nuclear Waste Negotiator
Sec. 10243. Duties of Negotiator
Sec. 10244. Environmental assessment of sites
Sec. 10245. Site characterization; licensing
Sec. 10246. Monitored retrievable storage
Sec. 10247. Environmental impact statement
Sec. 10248. Administrative powers of Negotiator
Sec. 10249. Cooperation of other departments and agencies
Sec. 10250. Termination of Office
Sec. 10251. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 10261. Definitions
Sec. 10262. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
Sec. 10263. Functions
Sec. 10264. Investigatory powers
Sec. 10265. Compensation of members
Sec. 10266. Staff
Sec. 10267. Support services
Sec. 10268. Report
Sec. 10269. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 10270. Termination of Board
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