Sec. 12301. Findings
Sec. 12302. Definitions
Sec. 12311. Establishment of Administration on Children, Youth, and Families
Sec. 12312. Functions of Commissioner
Sec. 12313. Federal agency consultations
Sec. 12314. Federal Council on Children, Youth, and Families
Sec. 12315. Administration
Sec. 12331. Purpose
Sec. 12332. Definitions
Sec. 12333. Establishment of programs
Sec. 12334. Administration
Sec. 12335. State plan
Sec. 12336. Independent State body
Sec. 12337. State coordination of services
Sec. 12338. Supportive services
Sec. 12339. Repealed. Pub. L. 103-252, title IV, Sec. 401b1, May 18, 1994, 108 Stat. 672
Sec. 12340. Authorization of appropriation and allotment
Sec. 12351. Findings and purpose
Sec. 12352. ''Family resource and support programs'' defined
Sec. 12353. Establishment of National Center on Family Resource and Support Programs
Sec. 12354. Evaluation
Sec. 12355. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 12371. Findings
Sec. 12372. Authority of President and Secretary; final report
Sec. 12373. Conference administration
Sec. 12374. Conference committees
Sec. 12375. Report of Conference
Sec. 12376. Definitions
Sec. 12377. Authorization of appropriations
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