Sec. 12501. Findings and purpose
Sec. 12511. Definitions
Sec. 12512. Repealed. Pub. L. 103-82, title I, Sec. 112, Sept. 21, 1993, 107 Stat. 861
Sec. 12521. Authority to assist States and Indian tribes
Sec. 12522. Authority to assist local applicants in nonparticipating States
Sec. 12523. Authority to assist public or private nonprofit organizations
Sec. 12524. Grants and allotments
Sec. 12525. State or tribal applications
Sec. 12526. Local applications
Sec. 12527. Consideration of applications
Sec. 12528. Participation of students and teachers from private schools
Sec. 12529. Federal, State, and local contributions
Sec. 12530. Limitations on uses of funds
Sec. 12531. Definitions
Sec. 12541. Definitions
Sec. 12542. General authority
Sec. 12543. State applications
Sec. 12544. Local applications
Sec. 12545. Consideration of applications
Sec. 12546. Federal, State, and local contributions
Sec. 12547. Limitations on uses of funds
Sec. 12551. Service-learning clearinghouse
Sec. 12561. Higher education innovative programs for community service
Sec. 12571. Authority to provide assistance and approved national service positions
Sec. 12572. Types of national service programs eligible for program assistance
Sec. 12573. Types of national service positions eligible for approval for national service educational awards
Sec. 12574. Types of program assistance
Sec. 12575. Training and technical assistance
Sec. 12576. Other special assistance
Sec. 12581. Provision of assistance and approved national service positions by competitive and other means
Sec. 12582. Application for assistance and approved national service positions
Sec. 12583. National service program assistance requirements
Sec. 12584. Ineligible service categories
Sec. 12585. Consideration of applications
Sec. 12591. Description of participants
Sec. 12592. Selection of national service participants
Sec. 12593. Terms of service
Sec. 12594. Living allowances for national service participants
Sec. 12595. National service educational awards
Sec. 12601. Establishment of the National Service Trust
Sec. 12602. Individuals eligible to receive a national service educational award from the Trust
Sec. 12603. Determination of amount of national service educational award
Sec. 12604. Disbursement of national service educational awards
Sec. 12611. Purpose
Sec. 12612. Establishment of Civilian Community Corps Demonstration Program
Sec. 12613. National service program
Sec. 12614. Summer national service program
Sec. 12615. Civilian Community Corps
Sec. 12616. Training
Sec. 12617. Service projects
Sec. 12618. Authorized benefits for Corps members
Sec. 12619. Administrative provisions
Sec. 12620. Status of Corps members and Corps personnel under Federal law
Sec. 12621. Contract and grant authority
Sec. 12622. Responsibilities of other departments
Sec. 12623. Advisory Board
Sec. 12624. Annual evaluation
Sec. 12625. Funding limitation
Sec. 12626. Definitions
Sec. 12631. Family and medical leave
Sec. 12632. Reports
Sec. 12633. Supplementation
Sec. 12634. Prohibition on use of funds
Sec. 12635. Nondiscrimination
Sec. 12636. Notice, hearing, and grievance procedures
Sec. 12637. Nonduplication and nondisplacement
Sec. 12638. State Commissions on National and Community Service
Sec. 12639. Evaluation
Sec. 12640. Engagement of participants
Sec. 12641. Contingent extension
Sec. 12642. Partnerships with schools
Sec. 12643. Rights of access, examination, and copying
Sec. 12644. Drug-free workplace requirements
Sec. 12645. Repealed. Pub. L. 103-82, title I, Sec. 122a, Sept. 21, 1993, 107 Stat. 867
Sec. 12651. Corporation for National and Community Service
Sec. 12651a. Board of Directors
Sec. 12651b. Authorities and duties of the Board of Directors
Sec. 12651c. Chief Executive Officer
Sec. 12651d. Authorities and duties of the Chief Executive Officer
Sec. 12651e. Officers
Sec. 12651f. Employees, consultants, and other personnel
Sec. 12651g. Administration
Sec. 12651h. Corporation State offices
Sec. 12653. Additional Corporation activities to support national service
Sec. 12653a. Clearinghouses
Sec. 12653b. Presidential awards for service
Sec. 12653c. Military installation conversion demonstration programs
Sec. 12653d. Special demonstration project
Sec. 12655. General authority
Sec. 12655a. Limitation on purchase of capital equipment
Sec. 12655b. State application
Sec. 12655c. Focus of programs
Sec. 12655d. Related programs
Sec. 12655e. Public lands or Indian lands
Sec. 12655f. Training and education services
Sec. 12655g. Repealed. Pub. L. 103-82, title I, Sec. 101e8A, Sept. 21, 1993, 107 Stat. 816
Sec. 12655h. Preference for certain projects
Sec. 12655i. Age and citizenship criteria for enrollment
Sec. 12655j. Use of volunteers
Sec. 12655k. Repealed. Pub. L. 103-82, title I, Sec. 101e8A, Sept. 21, 1993, 107 Stat. 816
Sec. 12655l. Living allowance
Sec. 12655m. Joint programs
Sec. 12655n. Federal and State employee status
Sec. 12656. Urban Youth Corps
Sec. 12661. Findings and purpose
Sec. 12662. Authority
Sec. 12663. Grants to Foundation
Sec. 12664. Eligibility of Foundation for grants
Sec. 12671. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-210, Sec. 1a1, Oct. 1, 1996, 110 Stat. 3011
Sec. 12672. Transferred
Sec. 12673. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-210, Sec. 1a1, Oct. 1, 1996, 110 Stat. 3011
Sec. 12681. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 12682. Actions under national service laws to be subject to availability of appropriations
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