Sec. 13201. ''Secretary'' defined
Sec. 13211. Definitions
Sec. 13212. Minimum Federal fleet requirement
Sec. 13213. Refueling
Sec. 13214. Federal agency promotion, education, and coordination
Sec. 13215. Agency incentives program
Sec. 13216. Recognition and incentive awards program
Sec. 13217. Measurement of alternative fuel use
Sec. 13218. Reports
Sec. 13219. United States Postal Service
Sec. 13220. Biodiesel fuel use credits
Sec. 13231. Public information program
Sec. 13232. Labeling requirements
Sec. 13233. Data acquisition program
Sec. 13234. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission authority to approve recovery of certain expenses in advance
Sec. 13235. State and local incentives programs
Sec. 13236. Alternative fuel bus program
Sec. 13237. Certification of training programs
Sec. 13238. Alternative fuel use in nonroad vehicles and engines
Sec. 13239. Low interest loan program
Sec. 13251. Mandate for alternative fuel providers
Sec. 13252. Replacement fuel supply and demand program
Sec. 13253. Replacement fuel demand estimates and supply information
Sec. 13254. Modification of goals; additional rulemaking authority
Sec. 13255. Voluntary supply commitments
Sec. 13256. Technical and policy analysis
Sec. 13257. Fleet requirement program
Sec. 13258. Credits
Sec. 13259. Secretary's recommendations to Congress
Sec. 13260. Effect on other laws
Sec. 13261. Prohibited acts
Sec. 13262. Enforcement
Sec. 13263. Powers of Secretary
Sec. 13264. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 13271. Definitions
Sec. 13281. Program and solicitation
Sec. 13282. Selection of proposals
Sec. 13283. Discount payments
Sec. 13284. Cost-sharing
Sec. 13285. Reports to Congress
Sec. 13286. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 13291. General authority
Sec. 13292. Proposals
Sec. 13293. Protection of proprietary information
Sec. 13294. Compliance with existing law
Sec. 13295. Repealed. Pub. L. 105-362, title IV, Sec. 401b, Nov. 10, 1998, 112 Stat. 3282
Sec. 13296. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 13311. Purposes
Sec. 13312. Renewable energy export technology training
Sec. 13313. Renewable Energy Advancement Awards
Sec. 13314. Study of tax and rate treatment of renewable energy projects
Sec. 13315. Data system and energy technology evaluation
Sec. 13316. Innovative renewable energy technology transfer program
Sec. 13317. Renewable energy production incentive
Sec. 13331. Coal research, development, demonstration, and commercial application programs
Sec. 13332. Coal-fired diesel engines
Sec. 13333. Clean coal, waste-to-energy
Sec. 13334. Nonfuel use of coal
Sec. 13335. Coal refinery program
Sec. 13336. Coalbed methane recovery
Sec. 13337. Metallurgical coal development
Sec. 13338. Utilization of coal wastes
Sec. 13339. Underground coal gasification
Sec. 13340. Low-rank coal research and development
Sec. 13341. Magnetohydrodynamics
Sec. 13342. Oil substitution through coal liquefaction
Sec. 13343. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 13351. Additional clean coal technology solicitations
Sec. 13361. Clean coal technology export promotion and interagency coordination
Sec. 13362. Innovative clean coal technology transfer program
Sec. 13363. Conventional coal technology transfer
Sec. 13364. Study of utilization of coal combustion byproducts
Sec. 13365. Coal fuel mixtures
Sec. 13366. National clearinghouse
Sec. 13367. Coal exports
Sec. 13368. Ownership of coalbed methane
Sec. 13369. Establishment of data base and study of transportation rates
Sec. 13370. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 13381. Report
Sec. 13382. Least-cost energy strategy
Sec. 13383. Director of Climate Protection
Sec. 13384. Assessment of alternative policy mechanisms for addressing greenhouse gas emissions
Sec. 13385. National inventory and voluntary reporting of greenhouse gases
Sec. 13386. Export of domestic energy resource technologies to developing countries
Sec. 13387. Innovative environmental technology transfer program
Sec. 13388. Global Climate Change Response Fund
Sec. 13401. Goals
Sec. 13411. Enhanced oil recovery
Sec. 13412. Oil shale
Sec. 13413. Natural gas supply
Sec. 13414. Natural gas end-use technologies
Sec. 13415. Midcontinent Energy Research Center
Sec. 13431. General transportation
Sec. 13432. Advanced automotive fuel economy
Sec. 13433. Alternative fuel vehicle program
Sec. 13434. Biofuels user facility
Sec. 13435. Electric motor vehicles and associated equipment research and development
Sec. 13436. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-271, title I, Sec. 103b2, Oct. 9, 1996, 110 Stat. 3306
Sec. 13437. Advanced diesel emissions program
Sec. 13438. Telecommuting study
Sec. 13451. General improved energy efficiency
Sec. 13452. Natural gas and electric heating and cooling technologies
Sec. 13453. Pulp and paper
Sec. 13454. Advanced buildings for 2005
Sec. 13455. Electric drives
Sec. 13456. Improving efficiency in energy-intensive industries
Sec. 13457. Energy efficient environmental program
Sec. 13458. Energy efficient lighting and building centers
Sec. 13471. Renewable energy
Sec. 13472. High efficiency heat engines
Sec. 13473. Civilian nuclear waste
Sec. 13474. Fusion energy
Sec. 13475. Fuel cells
Sec. 13476. Environmental restoration and waste management program
Sec. 13477. High-temperature superconductivity program
Sec. 13478. Electric and magnetic fields research and public information dissemination program
Sec. 13479. Spark M. Matsunaga Renewable Energy and Ocean Technology Center
Sec. 13491. Purposes and definitions
Sec. 13492. Program, goals, and plan
Sec. 13493. Commercialization of advanced light water reactor technology
Sec. 13494. Prototype demonstration of advanced nuclear reactor technology
Sec. 13495. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 13501. National Advanced Materials Program
Sec. 13502. National Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Program
Sec. 13503. Supporting research and technical analysis
Sec. 13504. Math and science education program
Sec. 13505. Integration of research and development
Sec. 13506. Definitions
Sec. 13521. Policy on major construction projects
Sec. 13522. Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, and Commercial Application Advisory Board
Sec. 13523. Management plan
Sec. 13524. Costs related to decommissioning and storage and disposal of nuclear waste
Sec. 13525. Limits on participation by companies
Sec. 13526. Uncosted obligations
Sec. 13541. Research, development, demonstration, and commercial application activities
Sec. 13542. Cost sharing
Sec. 13551. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-182, title III, Sec. 301, Aug. 6, 1996, 110 Stat. 1683
Sec. 13552. Use of energy futures for fuel purchases
Sec. 13553. Energy subsidy study
Sec. 13554. Tar sands
Sec. 13555. Consultative Commission on Western Hemisphere Energy and Environment
Sec. 13556. Disadvantaged business enterprises
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