Sec. 1771. Congressional declaration of purpose
Sec. 1772. Special program to encourage the consumption of fluid milk by children; authorization of appropriations; eligibility for special milk program; minimum rate of reimbursement; ineligibility of commodity only schools
Sec. 1773. School breakfast program
Sec. 1774. Disbursement directly to schools or institutions
Sec. 1775. Certification to Secretary of the Treasury of amounts to be paid to States
Sec. 1776. State administrative expenses
Sec. 1776a, 1776b. Omitted
Sec. 1777. Use in school breakfast program of food designated as being in abundance or food donated by the Secretary of Agriculture
Sec. 1778. Nonprofit programs
Sec. 1779. Rules and regulations
Sec. 1780. Prohibition against interference with school personnel, curriculum, or instruction; prohibition against inclusion of assistance in determining income or resources for purposes of taxation, welfare, or public assistance programs
Sec. 1781. Preschool programs
Sec. 1782. Centralization in Department of Agriculture of administration of food service programs for children
Sec. 1783. Appropriations for administrative expense
Sec. 1784. Definitions
Sec. 1785. Accounts and records; availability for inspection; authority to settle, adjust, or waive claims
Sec. 1786. Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children
Sec. 1787. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-193, title VII, Sec. 730, Aug. 22, 1996, 110 Stat. 2305
Sec. 1788. Nutrition education and training
Sec. 1789. Department of Defense overseas dependents' schools
Sec. 1790. Breastfeeding promotion program
Sec. 1791. Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act
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