Sec. 3531. Congressional declaration of purpose
Sec. 3532. Establishment of Department
Sec. 3533. Officers of Department
Sec. 3533a. Transferred
Sec. 3534. Transfer of functions
Sec. 3535. Administrative provisions
Sec. 3536. Annual reports
Sec. 3537. Separability
Sec. 3537a. Prohibition of advance disclosure of funding decisions
Sec. 3537b. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-65, Sec. 11b1, Dec. 19, 1995, 109 Stat. 701
Sec. 3537c. Prohibition of lump-sum payments
Sec. 3538. Rescheduling and refinancing of Federal loans
Sec. 3539. Housing and Urban Development Disaster Assistance Fund
Sec. 3540. Repealed. Pub. L. 100-242, title IV, Sec. 420, Feb. 5, 1988, 101 Stat. 1913
Sec. 3541. Paperwork reduction
Sec. 3542. Public notice and comment regarding demonstration programs not expressly authorized in law
Sec. 3543. Preventing fraud and abuse in Department of Housing and Urban Development programs
Sec. 3544. Preventing fraud and abuse in housing and urban development programs
Sec. 3545. HUD accountability
Sec. 3546. Use of domestic products
Sec. 3547. Special projects
Sec. 3548. Semiannual report on contracts and task orders
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