Sec. 5301. Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
Sec. 5302. General provisions
Sec. 5303. Grants to States, units of general local government and Indian tribes; authorizations
Sec. 5304. Statement of activities and review
Sec. 5305. Activities eligible for assistance
Sec. 5306. Allocation and distribution of funds
Sec. 5307. Special purpose grants
Sec. 5308. Guarantee and commitment to guarantee loans for acquisition of property
Sec. 5309. Nondiscrimination in programs and activities
Sec. 5310. Labor standards; rate of wages; exceptions; enforcement powers
Sec. 5311. Remedies for noncompliance with community development requirements
Sec. 5312. Use of grants for settlement of outstanding urban renewal loans of units of general local government
Sec. 5313. Reporting requirements
Sec. 5314. Consultation by Secretary with other Federal departments, etc.
Sec. 5315. Interstate agreements or compacts; purposes
Sec. 5316. Transition provisions
Sec. 5317. Liquidation of superseded or inactive programs
Sec. 5318. Urban development action grants
Sec. 5318a. John Heinz Neighborhood Development Program
Sec. 5319. Community participation in programs
Sec. 5320. Historic preservation requirements
Sec. 5321. Suspension of requirements for disaster areas
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