Sec. 7101. Definitions
Sec. 7111. Congressional findings
Sec. 7112. Congressional declaration of purpose
Sec. 7113. Relationship with States
Sec. 7131. Establishment
Sec. 7132. Principal officers
Sec. 7133. Assistant Secretaries; appointment and confirmation; identification of responsibilities
Sec. 7134. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; compensation of Chairman and members
Sec. 7135. Energy Information Administration
Sec. 7135a. Delegation by Secretary of Energy of energy research, etc., functions to Administrator of Energy Information Administration; prohibition against required delegation; utilization of capabilities by Secretary
Sec. 7136. Economic Regulatory Administration; appointment of Administrator; compensation; qualifications; functions
Sec. 7137. Functions of Comptroller General
Sec. 7138. Repealed. Pub. L. 100-504, title I, Sec. 102e1A, Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2517
Sec. 7139. Office of Science; establishment; appointment of Director; compensation; duties
Sec. 7140. Leasing Liaison Committee; establishment; composition
Sec. 7141. Office of Minority Economic Impact
Sec. 7142. National Atomic Museum
Sec. 7143. Repealed. Pub. L. 106-65, div. C, title XXXII, Sec. 3294d1, Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. 970
Sec. 7144. Establishment of policy for National Nuclear Security Administration
Sec. 7144a. Establishment of security, counterintelligence, and intelligence policies
Sec. 7144b. Office of Counterintelligence
Sec. 7144c. Office of Intelligence
Sec. 7151. General transfers
Sec. 7151a. Jurisdiction over matters transferred from Energy Research and Development Administration
Sec. 7152. Transfers from Department of the Interior
Sec. 7153. Administration of leasing transfers
Sec. 7154. Transfers from Department of Housing and Urban Development
Sec. 7155. Repealed. Pub. L. 103-272, Sec. 7b, July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1379
Sec. 7156. Transfers from Department of the Navy
Sec. 7156a. Repealed. Pub. L. 105-85, div. C, title XXXIV, Sec. 3403, Nov. 18, 1997, 111 Stat. 2059
Sec. 7157. Transfers from Department of Commerce
Sec. 7158. Naval reactor and military application programs
Sec. 7159. Transfer to Department of Transportation
Sec. 7171. Appointment and administration
Sec. 7172. Jurisdiction of Commission
Sec. 7173. Initiation of rulemaking procedures before Commission
Sec. 7174. Referral of other rulemaking proceedings to Commission
Sec. 7175. Right of Secretary to intervene in Commission proceedings
Sec. 7176. Reorganization
Sec. 7177. Access to information
Sec. 7178. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission fees and annual charges
Sec. 7191. Procedures for issuance of rules, regulations, or orders
Sec. 7192. Judicial review
Sec. 7193. Remedial orders
Sec. 7194. Requests for adjustments
Sec. 7195. Report to Congress; contents
Sec. 7211, 7212. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-106, div. D, title XLIII, Sec. 4304b6, Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 664
Sec. 7213 to 7217. Repealed. Pub. L. 103-160, div. C, title XXXI, Sec. 3161a, Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1957
Sec. 7218. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-106, div. D, title XLIII, Sec. 4304b6, Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 664
Sec. 7231. Officers and employees
Sec. 7232. Senior positions
Sec. 7233. Experts and consultants
Sec. 7234. Advisory committees
Sec. 7235. Armed services personnel
Sec. 7236. Executive management training in Department of Energy
Sec. 7237. Priority placement, job placement, retraining, and counseling programs for United States Department of Energy employees affected by reduction in force
Sec. 7238. Temporary appointments for scientific and technical experts in Department of Energy research and development programs
Sec. 7239. Whistleblower protection program
Sec. 7251. General authority
Sec. 7252. Delegation
Sec. 7253. Reorganization
Sec. 7254. Rules and regulations
Sec. 7255. Subpoena
Sec. 7256. Contracts, leases, etc., with public agencies and private organizations and persons
Sec. 7256a. Costs not allowed under covered contracts
Sec. 7256b. Prohibition and report on bonuses to contractors operating defense nuclear facilities
Sec. 7257. Acquisition, construction, etc., of laboratories, research and testing sites, etc.
Sec. 7257a. Laboratory-directed research and development programs
Sec. 7257b. Annual report on expenditures of Department of Energy Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program
Sec. 7257c. Limitations on use of funds for laboratory directed research and development purposes
Sec. 7258. Facilities construction
Sec. 7259. Use of facilities
Sec. 7259a. Activities of Department of Energy facilities
Sec. 7260. Field offices
Sec. 7261. Acquisition of copyrights, patents, etc.
Sec. 7261a. Protection of sensitive technical information
Sec. 7261b. Technology transfer to small businesses
Sec. 7262. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-206, title V, Sec. 502, Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3002
Sec. 7263. Capital fund
Sec. 7264. Seal of Department
Sec. 7265. Regional Energy Advisory Boards
Sec. 7266. Designation of conservation officers
Sec. 7267. Annual report
Sec. 7268. Leasing report
Sec. 7269. Transfer of funds
Sec. 7269a. Transfer of funds between appropriations for Department of Energy activities
Sec. 7269b. Transfer of unexpended appropriation balances
Sec. 7270. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 7270a. Guards for Strategic Petroleum Reserve facilities
Sec. 7270b. Trespass on Strategic Petroleum Reserve facilities
Sec. 7271. Common defense and security program requests of single authorization of appropriations
Sec. 7271a. Repealed. Pub. L. 105-85, div. C, title XXXI, Sec. 3152h, Nov. 18, 1997, 111 Stat. 2042
Sec. 7271b. Repealed. Pub. L. 106-65, div. C, title XXXII, Sec. 3294f, Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. 970
Sec. 7271c. Repealed. Pub. L. 105-85, div. C, title XXXI, Sec. 3152b, Nov. 18, 1997, 111 Stat. 2042
Sec. 7272. Restriction on licensing requirement for certain defense activities and facilities
Sec. 7273. Restriction on use of funds to pay penalties under Clean Air Act
Sec. 7273a. Restriction on use of funds to pay penalties under environmental laws
Sec. 7273b. Security investigations
Sec. 7273c. International cooperative stockpile stewardship
Sec. 7274. Environmental impact statements relating to defense facilities of Department of Energy
Sec. 7274a. Defense waste cleanup technology program
Sec. 7274b. Reports in connection with permanent closures of Department of Energy defense nuclear facilities
Sec. 7274c. Report on environmental restoration expenditures
Sec. 7274d. Worker protection at nuclear weapons facilities
Sec. 7274e. Scholarship and fellowship program for environmental restoration and waste management
Sec. 7274f. Defense Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Account
Sec. 7274g. Environmental restoration and waste management five-year plan and budget reports
Sec. 7274h. Department of Energy defense nuclear facilities workforce restructuring plan
Sec. 7274i. Program to monitor Department of Energy workers exposed to hazardous and radioactive substances
Sec. 7274j. Definitions
Sec. 7274k. Baseline environmental management reports
Sec. 7274l. Authority to transfer certain Department of Energy property
Sec. 7274m. Safety oversight and enforcement at defense nuclear facilities
Sec. 7274n. Projects to accelerate closure activities at defense nuclear facilities
Sec. 7274o. Reports on critical difficulties at nuclear weapons laboratories and nuclear weapons production plants
Sec. 7274p. Advice to President and Congress regarding safety, security, and reliability of United States nuclear weapons stockpile
Sec. 7274q. Transfers of real property at certain Department of Energy facilities
Sec. 7275. Definitions
Sec. 7276. Regulations to require integrated resource planning
Sec. 7276a. Technical assistance
Sec. 7276b. Integrated resource plans
Sec. 7276c. Miscellaneous provisions
Sec. 7277. Report concerning review of United States coal imports
Sec. 7278. Availability of appropriations for Department of Energy for transportation, uniforms, security, and price support and loan guarantee programs; transfer of funds; acceptance of contributions
Sec. 7291. Transfer and allocations of appropriations and personnel
Sec. 7292. Effect on personnel
Sec. 7293. Agency terminations
Sec. 7294. Incidental transfers
Sec. 7295. Savings provisions
Sec. 7296. Separability
Sec. 7297. Cross references
Sec. 7298. Presidential authority
Sec. 7299. Transition
Sec. 7300. Report to Congress; effect on personnel
Sec. 7301. Environmental impact statements
Sec. 7321. National Energy Policy Plan
Sec. 7322. Congressional review
Sec. 7341. Effective date
Sec. 7342. Interim appointments
Sec. 7351. Submission of comprehensive review
Sec. 7352. Contents of review
Sec. 7361 to 7364. Repealed. Pub. L. 102-486, title XVI, Sec. 1606, Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 3003
Sec. 7371. Statement of purpose
Sec. 7372. ''Secretary'' and ''renewable energy resource'' defined
Sec. 7373. Coordinated dissemination of information on renewable energy resources and conservation
Sec. 7374. Energy self-sufficiency initiatives
Sec. 7375. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 7381. Findings and purposes
Sec. 7381a. Science education programs
Sec. 7381b. Laboratory cooperative science centers and other authorized education activities
Sec. 7381c. Education partnerships
Sec. 7381d. Definitions
Sec. 7381e. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 7382. Findings
Sec. 7382a. Purpose; designation
Sec. 7382b. Definitions
Sec. 7382c. Fellowship Program
Sec. 7382d. Fellowship awards
Sec. 7382e. Waste management education research consortium WERC
Sec. 7382f. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 7383. Commission on Safeguards, Security, and Counterintelligence at Department of Energy Facilities
Sec. 7383a. Background investigations of certain personnel at Department of Energy facilities
Sec. 7383b. Protection of classified information during laboratory-to-laboratory exchanges
Sec. 7383c. Restrictions on access to national laboratories by foreign visitors from sensitive countries
Sec. 7383d. Notice to congressional committees of certain security and counterintelligence failures within nuclear energy defense programs
Sec. 7383e. Annual report by the President on espionage by the People's Republic of China
Sec. 7383f. Report on counterintelligence and security practices at national laboratories
Sec. 7383g. Report on security vulnerabilities of national laboratory computers
Sec. 7383h. Counterintelligence polygraph program
Sec. 7383i. Definitions of national laboratory and nuclear weapons production facility
Sec. 7383j. Definition of Restricted Data
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