Sec. 7901. Congressional findings and purposes
Sec. 7911. Definitions
Sec. 7912. Processing site designations
Sec. 7913. State cooperative agreements
Sec. 7914. Acquisition and disposition of lands and materials
Sec. 7915. Indian tribe cooperative agreements
Sec. 7916. Acquisition of land by Secretary; transfer of public lands by Secretary of the Interior to Secretary; consultations with Governor; consent of Governor; transfer from Federal agency to Secretary
Sec. 7917. Financial assistance
Sec. 7918. Remedial action and mineral recovery activities
Sec. 7919. Rules
Sec. 7920. Enforcement
Sec. 7921. Public participation; public hearings
Sec. 7922. Termination of authority of Secretary
Sec. 7923. Limitation of contractual authority
Sec. 7924. Reports to Congress
Sec. 7925. Active operations; liability for remedial action
Sec. 7941. Study of authority for regulation and control of residual radioactive materials at New Mexico sites for protection of public health, safety, and the environment; report to Congress and Secretary; basis for determination of inadequacy of authority; interim regulation pending completion of study
Sec. 7942. Designation by Secretary as processing sites for subchapter I purposes
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