Sec. 881. Cost of survey of grants to railroads; payment
Sec. 882. Surveyed lands taxable notwithstanding lien; provisos
Sec. 883. Collection of costs of surveying, etc.; reimbursement of purchaser
Sec. 884. Right of forfeiture of railroad grants not affected
Sec. 885. Union Pacific Railroad lands
Sec. 886. Survey of lands within limits of railroad grants
Sec. 887. Deposits for surveys of lands granted to railroads
Sec. 888. Selection by railroads of lands in lieu of lands entered subsequent to accrual of rights; title of settlers
Sec. 889. Rights of entrymen whose entries had not been admitted to record
Sec. 890. Homestead entries on railroad lands prior to withdrawal or after restoration to market confirmed
Sec. 891. Abandoned railroad lands; reentry
Sec. 892. Entries after expiration of grant
Sec. 893. Rights of permissive settlers on railroad lands restored to public domain
Sec. 894. Adjustment of land grants to railroads
Sec. 895. Cancellation of patents erroneously issued; reconveyance
Sec. 896. Erroneous cancellation of bona fide entries corrected
Sec. 897. Patents to purchasers from railroads; purchase money
Sec. 898. Rights of purchasers from railroads of coterminous lands not within grants
Sec. 899. Limitation of quantity to be conveyed
Sec. 900. Suits to cancel patents to lands erroneously issued under railroad or wagon-road grants
Sec. 901. Claims of bona fide purchasers; establishment of rights
Sec. 902. Cancellation; investigation before suit
Sec. 903. Relief of settlers on lands granted in aid of wagon roads
Sec. 904. Forfeiture of unearned grants; restoration to public domain
Sec. 905. Homestead entries on forfeited lands
Sec. 906. Purchase by bona fide purchasers from grantees; removal of crops and improvements
Sec. 907. Rights of original grantees to forfeited lands
Sec. 908. Deposits by railroad companies for costs of surveying and conveying unsurveyed lands granted
Sec. 909. Forfeiture of grant on failure to make deposit
Sec. 910. Right to extend public surveys over lands granted, and other rights of United States, not affected
Sec. 911. Regulations
Sec. 912. Disposition of abandoned or forfeited railroad grants
Sec. 913. Conveyance by land grant railroads of portions of rights of way to State, county, or municipality
Sec. 914. Omitted
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