Sec. 931. Navigable rivers as public highways
Sec. 931a. Authority of Attorney General to grant easements and rights-of-way to States, etc.
Sec. 931b. Repealed. Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, Sec. 53, 70A Stat. 641
Sec. 931c. Permits, leases, or easements; authorization to grant; payment; limitation
Sec. 931d. Additional authority of department or agency head
Sec. 932. Repealed. Pub. L. 94-579, title VII, Sec. 706a, Oct. 21, 1976, 90 Stat. 2793
Sec. 933. Repealed. Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, Sec. 53, 70A Stat. 641
Sec. 934. Right of way through public lands granted to railroads
Sec. 935. Several roads through canyons
Sec. 936. Condemnation of private land
Sec. 937. Filing profile of road; forfeiture of rights
Sec. 938. Lands excepted
Sec. 939. Alteration, amendment, or repeal
Sec. 940. Forfeiture of rights where railroad not constructed in five years after location
Sec. 941. Railroad stations on rights of way granted
Sec. 942. Omitted
Sec. 942-1. Rights of way in Alaska; railroad rights of way; reservations; water transportation connections; State title to submerged lands; Federal repossession as trustee; ''navigable waters'' defined; posting schedules of rates; changes in rates
Sec. 942-2. Rights of several roads through canyons
Sec. 942-3. Condemnation of land
Sec. 942-4. Filing preliminary survey, map and profile of road
Sec. 942-5. Filing map and profile of road section; forfeiture of rights; reversion of grant
Sec. 942-6. Rights of way for Alaskan wagon roads, wire rope, aerial, or other tramways; reservations; filing preliminary survey and map of location; alteration, amendment, repeal, or grant of equal rights; forfeiture of rights; reversion of grant; liens
Sec. 942-7. Military park, Indian or other reservation
Sec. 942-8. Reservation of right of alteration, amendment, or repeal; assignment of right of way
Sec. 942-9. Map location of road
Sec. 943. Right of way for railroads; reserved lands in Minnesota
Sec. 944. Right of way in Oklahoma and Arizona
Sec. 945. Reservation in patents of right of way for ditches or canals
Sec. 945a. Compensation for rights-of-way for certain reclamation projects
Sec. 945b. Jurisdiction; procedure
Sec. 946. Right of way to canal ditch companies and irrigation or drainage districts for irrigation or drainage purposes and operation and maintenance of reservoirs, canals, and laterals
Sec. 947. Map; damages to settlers
Sec. 948. Application to existing and future canals
Sec. 949. Use for canal or ditch only
Sec. 950. Right of way to canal and ditch companies for irrigation purposes; additional grants
Sec. 951. Right of way for water transportation, domestic purposes, or development of power
Sec. 952. Reservoir sites for water for livestock
Sec. 953. Declaratory statement as to reservoirs
Sec. 954. Survey; map of reservoirs
Sec. 955. Amendment, alteration, or repeal
Sec. 956. Right of way for tramroads, canals, or reservoirs
Sec. 957. Right of way to electric power companies
Sec. 958. Rights of way for wagon roads or railroads
Sec. 959. Rights of way for electrical plants, etc.
Sec. 961.FOOTNOTE 1 Rights-of-way through public lands, Indian, and other reservations for power and communications facilities
Sec. 962. Right of way in Colorado and Wyoming to pipeline companies
Sec. 963. Applications for Colorado and Wyoming pipeline right of way
Sec. 964. Limit of time for completion of Colorado and Wyoming pipelines; forfeiture
Sec. 965. Restriction on use of Colorado and Wyoming pipeline right of way
Sec. 966. Right of way in Arkansas to pipe-line companies
Sec. 967. Applications for Arkansas pipeline right of way
Sec. 968. Restriction on use of Arkansas pipeline right of way
Sec. 969. Forfeiture of Arkansas pipeline right of way for nonuser, etc.
Sec. 970. Forfeiture of Arkansas pipeline right of way for violation of antitrust law
Sec. 971. Bathhouses, hotels, etc., adjacent to mineral, medicinal, etc., springs on public lands
Sec. 971a. Alaskan lands within highway, telephone, and pipeline withdrawals; disposal; amendment of land description of claim or entry on adjoining lands
Sec. 971b. Sale of restored Alaskan lands; preference rights; consent of Federal agency
Sec. 971c. Utilization or occupancy of Alaskan easements; consent of agency
Sec. 971d. Effect on valid existing Alaskan rights
Sec. 971e. Definition of restored Alaskan lands
Sec. 975, 975a. Repealed. Pub. L. 97-468, title VI, Sec. 615a1, Jan. 14, 1983, 96 Stat. 2577
Sec. 975b. Repealed. Pub. L. 94-579, title VII, Sec. 704a, Oct. 21, 1976, 90 Stat. 2792
Sec. 975c to 975g. Repealed. Pub. L. 97-468, title VI, Sec. 615a1, Jan. 14, 1983, 96 Stat. 2577
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