Sec. 1681. Continuance of civil government for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; assistance programs; maximum fiscal year costs; reimbursement
Sec. 1681a. Appointment of High Commissioner
Sec. 1681b. Transfer of functions from government comptroller for Guam to Inspector General, Department of the Interior
Sec. 1681c. Repealed. Pub. L. 97-357, title II, Sec. 203d, Oct. 19, 1982, 96 Stat. 1708
Sec. 1682. Omitted
Sec. 1683. Auditing of transactions of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Sec. 1684. Expenditure of funds for administration of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Sec. 1685. Transfer of property or money for administration of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Sec. 1686, 1687. Omitted
Sec. 1688. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Economic Development Loan Fund
Sec. 1689. Plan for use of grant to Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Economic Development Loan Fund; loans; terms
Sec. 1690. Loans from Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Economic Loan Fund; restrictions; guarantees
Sec. 1691. Fiscal control and accounting procedures for plan for use of grant
Sec. 1692. Comprehensive annual financial report by chief executives of governments of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, and Northern Mariana Islands; contents; other reports
Sec. 1693. Audit of government; access to books, records, etc.
Sec. 1694 to 1694e. Transferred
Sec. 1695. Federal education and health care programs; nonapplicability or nonparticipation
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