Sec. 2301. Findings
Sec. 2302. Definitions
Sec. 2311. Response to threats of terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction
Sec. 2312. Emergency response assistance program
Sec. 2313. Nuclear, chemical, and biological emergency response
Sec. 2314. Chemical-biological emergency response team
Sec. 2315. Testing of preparedness for emergencies involving nuclear, radiological, chemical, and biological weapons
Sec. 2316. Actions to increase civilian expertise
Sec. 2317. Rapid response information system
Sec. 2331. Procurement of detection equipment for United States border security
Sec. 2332. Sense of Congress concerning criminal penalties
Sec. 2333. International border security
Sec. 2341. Elimination of plutonium production
Sec. 2351. National coordinator on nonproliferation
Sec. 2352. National Security Council Committee on Nonproliferation
Sec. 2353. Comprehensive preparedness program
Sec. 2354. Termination
Sec. 2361. Sense of Congress concerning contracting policy
Sec. 2362. Transfers of allocations among cooperative threat reduction programs
Sec. 2363. Sense of Congress concerning assistance to states of former Soviet Union
Sec. 2364. Purchase of low-enriched uranium derived from Russian highly enriched uranium
Sec. 2365. Sense of Congress concerning purchase, packaging, and transportation of fissile materials at risk of theft
Sec. 2366. Reports on acquisition of technology relating to weapons of mass destruction and advanced conventional munitions
Sec. 2367. Annual report on threat posed to United States by weapons of mass destruction, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles
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