TITLE 7 > CHAPTER 41 > Sec. 1726a. | Prev | Next |
Sec. 1726a. - Administration
(a) Proposals
(1) Time for decision
by an eligible organization, with the concurrence of the appropriate United States field mission, for commodities; or by a United States field mission to make commodities available to an eligible organization; (2) Denial
If a proposal under paragraph (1) is denied, the response shall specify the reasons for denial and the conditions that must be met for the approval of such proposal. (b) Notice and comment
Not later than 30 days prior to the issuance of a final guideline to carry out this subchapter, the Administrator shall - provide notice of the existence of a proposed guideline, and that such guideline is available for review and comment, to eligible organizations that participate in programs under this subchapter, and to other interested persons; make the proposed guideline available, on request, to the eligible organizations and other persons referred to in paragraph (1); and take any comments received into consideration prior to the issuance of the final guideline. (c) Regulations
(1) In general
The Administrator shall promptly issue all necessary regulations and make revisions to agency guidelines with respect to changes in the operation or implementation of the program established under this subchapter. (2) Requirements The Administrator shall develop regulations with the intent of - simplifying procedures for participation in the programs established under this subchapter; reducing paperwork requirements under such programs; establishing reasonable and realistic accountability standards to be applied to eligible organizations participating in the programs established under this subchapter, taking into consideration the problems associated with carrying out programs in developing countries; and providing flexibility for carrying out programs under this subchapter. (3) Handbooks
Handbooks developed by the Administrator to assist in carrying out the program under this subchapter shall be designed to foster the development of programs under this subchapter by eligible organizations. (d) Deadline for submission of commodity orders
Not later than 15 days after receipt from a United States field mission of a call forward for agricultural commodities for programs that meet the requirements of this subchapter, the order for the purchase or the supply, from inventory, of such commodities or products shall be transmitted to the Commodity Credit Corporation |
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