TITLE 7 > CHAPTER 50 > Sec. 1941. | Prev | Next |
Sec. 1941. - Persons eligible for loans
(a) Requirements
The Secretary is authorized to make and insure loans under this subchapter to farmers and ranchers in the United States, and to farm cooperatives and private domestic corporations, partnerships, and joint operations that are controlled by farmers and ranchers and engaged primarily and directly in farming or ranching in the United States, subject to the conditions specified in this section. To be eligible for such loans, applicants who are individuals, or, in the case of cooperatives, corporations, partnerships, and joint operations, individuals holding a majority interest in such entity, must be citizens of the United States, for direct loans only, have either training or farming experience that the Secretary determines is sufficient to assure reasonable prospects of success in the proposed farming operations, be or will become operators of not larger than family farms (or in the case of cooperatives, corporations, partnerships, and joint operations in which a majority interest is held by individuals who are related by blood or marriage, as defined by the Secretary, such individuals must be or will become either owners or operators of not larger than a family farm and at least one such individual must be or will become an operator of not larger than a family farm or, in the case of holders of the entire interest who are related by blood or marriage and all of whom are or will become farm operators, the ownership interest of each such holder separately constitutes not larger than a family farm, even if their interests collectively constitute larger than a family farm, as defined by the Secretary), and be unable to obtain sufficient credit elsewhere to finance their actual needs at reasonable rates and terms, taking into consideration prevailing private and cooperative rates and terms in the community in or near which the applicant resides for loans for similar purposes and periods of time. In addition to the foregoing requirements of this subsection, in the case of corporations, partnerships, and joint operations, the family farm requirement of clause (3) of the preceding sentence shall apply as well to the farm or farms in which the entity has an operator interest and the requirement of clause (4) of the preceding sentence shall apply as well to the entity in the case of cooperatives, corporations, partnerships, and joint operations. (b) Rural youths in 4-H Clubs, Future Farmers of America, etc.
Loans may also be made under this subchapter without regard to the requirements of clauses (2) and (3) of subsection (a) of this section to youths who are rural residents to enable them to operate enterprises in connection with their participation in 4-H Clubs, Future Farmers of America, and similar organizations. A person receiving a loan under this subsection who executes a promissory note therefor shall thereby incur full personal liability for the indebtedness evidenced by such note in accordance with its terms free of any disability of minority. For loans under this subsection the Secretary may accept the personal liability of a cosigner of the promissory note in addition to the borrowers' personal liability. (4) Youth enterprises not farming or ranching. - The operation of an enterprise by a youth under this subsection shall not be considered the operation of a farm or ranch under this chapter. (c) Direct loans
(1) In general
Subject to paragraph (3), the Secretary may make a direct loan under this subchapter only to a farmer or rancher who - is a qualified beginning farmer or rancher who has not operated a farm or ranch, or who has operated a farm or ranch for not more than 5 years; has not received a previous direct operating loan made under this subchapter; or has received a previous direct operating loan made under this subchapter during 6 or fewer years. (2) Youth loans
In this subsection, the term ''direct operating loan'' shall not include a loan made to a youth under subsection (b) of this section. (3) Transition rule
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