TITLE 7 > CHAPTER 50 > Sec. 1961. | Prev | Next |
Sec. 1961. - Eligibility for loans
(a) Persons eligible
The Secretary shall make and insure loans under this subchapter only to the extent and in such amounts as provided in advance in appropriation Acts to established farmers, ranchers, or persons engaged in aquaculture, who are citizens of the United States and who are owner-operators (in the case of loans for a purpose under subchapter I of this chapter) or operators (in the case of loans for a purpose under subchapter II of this chapter) of not larger than family farms, and farm cooperatives, private domestic corporations, partnerships, or joint operations that are engaged primarily in farming, ranching, or aquaculture, and in which a majority interest is held by individuals who are citizens of the United States and who are owner-operators (in the case of loans for a purpose under subchapter I of this chapter) or operators (in the case of loans for a purpose under subchapter II of this chapter) of not larger than family farms (or in the case of such cooperatives, corporations, partnerships, or joint operations in which a majority interest is held by individuals who are related by blood or marriage, as defined by the Secretary, such individuals must be either owners or operators of not larger than a family farm and at least one such individual must be an operator of not larger than a family farm), where the Secretary finds that the applicants' farming, ranching, or aquaculture operations have been substantially affected by a natural disaster in the United States or by a major disaster or emergency designated by the President under the Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided, That they have experience and resources necessary to assure a reasonable prospect for successful operation with the assistance of such loan and are not able to obtain sufficient credit elsewhere. In addition to the foregoing requirements of this subsection, in the case of farm cooperatives, private domestic corporations, partnerships, and joint operations, the family farm requirement of the preceding sentence shall apply as well to all farms in which the entity has an ownership and operator interest (in the case of loans for a purpose under subchapter I of this chapter) or an operator interest (in the case of loans for a purpose under subchapter II of this chapter). The Secretary shall accept applications from, and make or insure loans pursuant to the requirements of this subchapter to, applicants, otherwise eligible under this subchapter, that conduct farming, ranching, or aquaculture operations in any county contiguous to a county where the Secretary has found that farming, ranching, or aquaculture operations have been substantially affected by a natural disaster in the United States or by a major disaster or emergency designated by the President under the Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. The Secretary shall accept applications for assistance under this subchapter from persons affected by a natural disaster at any time during the eight-month period beginning on the date on which the Secretary determines that farming, ranching, or aquaculture operations have been substantially affected by such natural disaster or on the date the President makes the major disaster or emergency designation with respect to such natural disaster, as the case may be. (b) Hazard insurance requirement
(1) In general
After the Secretary makes the determination required by paragraph (2), the Secretary may not make a loan to a farmer or rancher under this subchapter to cover a property loss unless the farmer or rancher had hazard insurance that insured the property at the time of the loss. (2) Determination
Not later than 180 days after April 4, 1996, the Secretary shall determine the appropriate level of insurance to be required under paragraph (1). (3) Loans to poultry farmers
(A) Inability to obtain insurance
(i) In general
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the Secretary may make a loan to a poultry farmer under this subchapter to cover the loss of a chicken house for which the farmer did not have hazard insurance at the time of the loss, if the farmer - applied for, but was unable, to obtain hazard insurance for the chicken house; uses the loan to rebuild the chicken house in accordance with industry standards in effect on the date the farmer submits an application for the loan (referred to in this paragraph as ''current industry standards''); obtains, for the term of the loan, hazard insurance for the full market value of the chicken house; and meets the other requirements for the loan under this subchapter. (ii) Amount
Subject to the limitation contained in section 1964(a)(2) of this title, the amount of a loan made to a poultry farmer under clause (i) shall be an amount that will allow the farmer to rebuild the chicken house in accordance with current industry standards. (B) Loans to comply with current industry standards
(i) In general
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the Secretary may make a loan to a poultry farmer under this subchapter to cover the loss of a chicken house for which the farmer had hazard insurance at the time of the loss, if - the amount of the hazard insurance is less than the cost of rebuilding the chicken house in accordance with current industry standards; the farmer uses the loan to rebuild the chicken house in accordance with current industry standards; the farmer obtains, for the term of the loan, hazard insurance for the full market value of the chicken house; and the farmer meets the other requirements for the loan under this subchapter. (ii) Amount
Subject to the limitation contained in section 1964(a)(2) of this title, the amount of a loan made to a poultry farmer under clause (i) shall be the difference between - the amount of the hazard insurance obtained by the farmer; and the cost of rebuilding the chicken house in accordance with current industry standards. (c) Family farm system
The Secretary shall conduct the emergency loan program under this subchapter in a manner that will foster and encourage the family farm system of agriculture, consistent with the reaffirmation of policy and declaration of the intent of Congress contained in section 2266(a) of this title. (d) Definitions
''aquaculture'' means the husbandry of aquatic organisms under a controlled or selected environment; and ''able to obtain sufficient credit elsewhere'' means able to obtain sufficient credit elsewhere to finance the applicant's actual needs at reasonable rates and terms, taking into consideration prevailing private and cooperative rates and terms in the community in or near which the applicant resides for loans for similar purposes and periods of time |
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