TITLE 7 > CHAPTER 51 > Sec. 2034. | Prev | Next |
Sec. 2034. - Assistance for community food projects
(a) ''Community food projects'' defined
In this section, the term ''community food project'' means a community-based project that requires a 1-time infusion of Federal assistance to become self-sustaining and that is designed to - meet the food needs of low-income people; increase the self-reliance of communities in providing for their own food needs; and promote comprehensive responses to local food, farm, and nutrition issues. (b) Authority to provide assistance
(1) In general
From amounts made available to carry out this chapter, the Secretary may make grants to assist eligible private nonprofit entities to establish and carry out community food projects. (2) Limitation on grants
$1,000,000 for fiscal year 1996; and $2,500,000 for each of fiscal years 1997 through 2002. (c) Eligible entities
have experience in the area of - community food work, particularly concerning small and medium-sized farms, including the provision of food to people in low-income communities and the development of new markets in low-income communities for agricultural producers; or job training and business development activities for food-related activities in low-income communities; demonstrate competency to implement a project, provide fiscal accountability, collect data, and prepare reports and other necessary documentation; and demonstrate a willingness to share information with researchers, practitioners, and other interested parties. (d) Preference for certain projects
In selecting community food projects to receive assistance under subsection (b) of this section, the Secretary shall give a preference to projects designed to - develop linkages between 2 or more sectors of the food system; support the development of entrepreneurial projects; develop innovative linkages between the for-profit and nonprofit food sectors; or encourage long-term planning activities and multi-system, interagency approaches. (e) Matching funds requirements
(1) Requirements
The Federal share of the cost of establishing or carrying out a community food project that receives assistance under subsection (b) of this section may not exceed 50 percent of the cost of the project during the term of the grant. (2) Calculation
In providing for the non-Federal share of the cost of carrying out a community food project, the entity receiving the grant shall provide for the share through a payment in cash or in kind, fairly evaluated, including facilities, equipment, or services. (3) Sources
An entity may provide for the non-Federal share through State government, local government, or private sources. (f) Term of grant
(1) Single grant
A community food project may be supported by only a single grant under subsection (b) of this section. (2) Term
(g) Technical assistance and related information
(1) Technical assistance
In carrying out this section, the Secretary may provide technical assistance regarding community food projects, processes, and development to an entity seeking the assistance. (2) Sharing information
(A) In general
The Secretary may provide for the sharing of information concerning community food projects and issues among and between government, private for-profit and nonprofit groups, and the public through publications, conferences, and other appropriate forums. (B) Other interested parties
The Secretary may share information concerning community food projects with researchers, practitioners, and other interested parties. (h) Evaluation
(1) In general
The Secretary shall provide for the evaluation of the success of community food projects supported using funds under this section. (2) Report
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