TITLE 7 > CHAPTER 53 > Sec. 2108. | Prev | Next |
Sec. 2108. - Suspension and termination of orders
(a) Discretionary suspension or termination by Secretary
The Secretary shall, whenever he finds that any order issued under this chapter, or any provision thereof, obstructs or does not tend to effectuate the declared policy of this chapter, terminate or suspend the operation of such order or such provision thereof. (b) Suspension or termination resulting from referendum with cotton producers and importers
The Secretary may conduct a referendum at any time, and shall hold a referendum on request of a number of producers and importers (if subject to the order) equivalent to at least 10 percent of those persons voting in the most recent referendum, to determine whether cotton producers and importers subject to the order favor the termination or suspension of the order, except that in counting such requests for a referendum, not more than 20 percent of such requests may be from producers from any one State or importers of cotton (if subject to the order). The Secretary shall suspend or terminate the order at the end of the marketing year, as defined in the order, whenever the Secretary determines suspension or termination of the order is approved by a majority of producers and importers (subject to the order) voting in the referendum who, during a representative period determined by the Secretary, have been engaged in the production and importation of cotton and who produced and imported more than 50 percent of the volume of cotton produced and imported by those voting in the referendum. (c) Suspension or termination of any order not deemed order within meaning of this chapter
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