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TITLE 7 > CHAPTER 75 > Sec. 4405. Prev | Next

Sec. 4405. - Fees and charges

(a) Testing or inspection

Any organization designated by the Secretary of Agriculture to test or inspect equipment may establish reasonable fees to cover the costs of such testing or inspection. Such fees shall be payable directly to the organization by those seeking inspection or testing.

(b) Issuance of certificates of compliance

The Secretary of Agriculture may, effective October 1, 1982, fix and cause to be collected reasonable fees to cover, as nearly as practicable, the costs to the Department of Agriculture incurred in connection with the issuance of certificates of compliance as provided under section 4403(2) of this title. All fees collected shall be credited to the current appropriation account that incurs the cost and shall be available without fiscal year limitation to pay the expenses of the Secretary of Agriculture incident to the issuance of certificates of compliance under this chapter

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