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Sec. 7623. - Precision agriculture

(a) Definitions

In this section:

(1) Agricultural inputs

The term ''agricultural inputs'' includes all farm management, agronomic, and field-applied agricultural production inputs, such as machinery, labor, time, fuel, irrigation water, commercial nutrients, feed stuffs, veterinary drugs and vaccines, livestock waste, crop protection chemicals, agronomic data and information, application and management services, seed, and other inputs used in agricultural production.

(2) Eligible entity

The term ''eligible entity'' means -


a State agricultural experiment station;


a college or university;


a research institution or organization;


a Federal or State government entity or agency;


a national laboratory;


a private organization or corporation;


an agricultural producer or other land manager; or


a precision agriculture partnership referred to in subsection (g) of this section.

(3) Precision agriculture

The term ''precision agriculture'' means an integrated information- and production-based farming system that is designed to increase long-term, site-specific, and whole farm production efficiencies, productivity, and profitability while minimizing unintended impacts on wildlife and the environment by -


combining agricultural sciences, agricultural inputs and practices, agronomic production databases, and precision agriculture technologies to efficiently manage agronomic and livestock production systems;


gathering on-farm information pertaining to the variation and interaction of site-specific spatial and temporal factors affecting crop and livestock production;


integrating such information with appropriate data derived from field scouting, remote sensing, and other precision agriculture technologies in a timely manner in order to facilitate on-farm decisionmaking; or


using such information to prescribe and deliver site-specific application of agricultural inputs and management practices in agricultural production systems.

(4) Precision agriculture technologies

The term ''precision agriculture technologies'' includes -


instrumentation and techniques ranging from sophisticated sensors and software systems to manual sampling and data collection tools that measure, record, and manage spatial and temporal data;


technologies for searching out and assembling information necessary for sound agricultural production decisionmaking;


open systems technologies for data networking and processing that produce valued systems for farm management decisionmaking; or


machines that deliver information-based management practices.

(5) Systems research

The term ''systems research'' means an integrated, coordinated, and iterative investigative process that involves -


the multiple interacting components and aspects of precision agriculture systems, including synthesis of new knowledge regarding the physical-chemical-biological processes and complex interactions of the systems with cropping, livestock production practices, and natural resource systems;


precision agriculture technologies development and implementation;


data and information collection and interpretation;


production-scale planning;


production-scale implementation; and


farm production efficiencies, productivity, and profitability.

(b) Grants authorized

(1) In general

The Secretary of Agriculture may make competitive grants, for periods not to exceed 5 years, to eligible entities to conduct research, education, or information dissemination projects for the development and advancement of precision agriculture.

(2) Private sector financing

A grant under this section shall be used to support only a project that the Secretary determines is unlikely to be financed by the private sector.

(3) Consultation with Advisory Board

The Secretary shall make grants under this section in consultation with the Advisory Board.

(c) Purposes of projects

A research, education, or information dissemination project supported by a grant under this section shall address 1 or more of the following purposes:


The study and promotion of components of precision agriculture technologies using a systems research approach designed to increase long-term site-specific and whole-farm production efficiencies, productivity, and profitability.


The improvement in the understanding of agronomic systems, including, soil, water, land cover (including grazing land), pest management systems, and meteorological variability.


The provision of training and educational programs for State cooperative extension services agents, and other professionals involved in the production and transfer of integrated precision agriculture technology.


The development, demonstration, and dissemination of information regarding precision agriculture technologies and systems and the potential costs and benefits of precision agriculture as it relates to -


increased long-term farm production efficiencies, productivity, and profitability;


the maintenance of the environment;


improvements in international trade; and


an integrated program of education for agricultural producers and consumers, including family owned and operated farms.


The promotion of systems research and education projects focusing on the integration of the multiple aspects of precision agriculture, including development, production-scale implementation, and farm production efficiencies, productivity, and profitability.


The study of whether precision agriculture technologies are applicable and accessible to small and medium-size farms and the study of methods of improving the applicability of precision agriculture technologies to those farms.

(d) Grant priorities

In making grants to eligible entities under this section, the Secretary, in consultation with the Advisory Board, shall give priority to research, education, or information dissemination projects designed to accomplish the following:


Evaluate the use of precision agriculture technologies using a systems research approach to increase long-term site-specific and whole-farm production efficiencies, productivity, and profitability.


Integrate research, education, and information dissemination components in a practical and readily available manner so that the findings of the project will be made readily usable by agricultural producers.


Demonstrate the efficient use of agricultural inputs, rather than the uniform reduction in the use of agricultural inputs.


Maximize the involvement and cooperation of precision agriculture producers, certified crop advisers, State cooperative extension services agents, agricultural input machinery, product and service providers, nonprofit organizations, agribusinesses, veterinarians, land-grant colleges and universities, and Federal agencies in precision agriculture systems research projects involving on-farm research, education, and dissemination of precision agriculture information.


Maximize collaboration with multiple agencies and other partners, including through leveraging of funds and resources.

(e) Matching funds

The amount of a grant under this section to an eligible entity (other than a Federal agency) may not exceed the amount that the eligible entity makes available out of non-Federal funds for precision agriculture research and for the establishment and maintenance of facilities necessary for conducting precision agriculture research.

(f) Reservation of funds for education and information dissemination projects

Of the funds made available for grants under this section, the Secretary shall reserve a portion of the funds for grants for projects regarding precision agriculture related to education or information dissemination.

(g) Precision agriculture partnerships

In carrying out this section, the Secretary, in consultation with the Advisory Board, shall encourage the establishment of appropriate multistate and national partnerships or consortia between -


land-grant colleges and universities, State agricultural experiment stations, State cooperative extension services, other colleges and universities with demonstrable expertise regarding precision agriculture, agencies of the Department, national laboratories, agribusinesses, agricultural equipment and input manufacturers and retailers, certified crop advisers, commodity organizations, veterinarians, other Federal or State government entities and agencies, or nonagricultural industries and nonprofit organizations with demonstrable expertise regarding precision agriculture; and


agricultural producers or other land managers.

(h) Limitation regarding facilities

A grant made under this section may not be used for the planning, repair, rehabilitation, acquisition, or construction of a building or facility.

(i) Authorization of appropriations

(1) In general

There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section for each of fiscal years 1999 through 2002, of which, for each fiscal year -


not less than 30 percent shall be available to make grants for research to be conducted by multidisciplinary teams; and


not less than 40 percent shall be available to make grants for research to be conducted by eligible entities conducting systems research directly applicable to producers and agricultural production systems.

(2) Availability of funds

Funds made available under paragraph (1) shall be available for obligation for a 2-year period beginning on October 1 of the fiscal year for which the funds are made available

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