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TITLE 7 > CHAPTER 4 > Sec. 98. Prev | Next

Sec. 98. - Fees and charges for naval stores inspection and related services; establishment, collection, etc.; authorization of appropriations; administrative expenses


The Secretary of Agriculture shall fix and cause to be collected fees and charges for the establishment of standards under section 93 of this title and for examinations, analyses, classifications, and other services under section 94 of this title which shall cover, as nearly as practicable, the costs of providing such services and standards as the Secretary shall deem necessary, including administrative and supervisory costs. Such fees and charges, when collected, shall be credited to the current appropriation account that incurs such costs and shall be available without fiscal year limitation to pay the expenses of the Secretary incident to providing such services and standards under this chapter. Fees and charges shall be assessed and collected from processors and warehousers of naval stores, and inspection and related services shall be suspended or denied to any such processor or warehouser upon failure to timely pay the fees and charges assessed.


There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for the enforcement and administration of this chapter

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