Sec. 7501. Definitions
Sec. 7502. Availability of CCC commodities
Sec. 7503. State plan
Sec. 7504. Initial processing costs
Sec. 7505. Federal and State responsibilities
Sec. 7506. Assurances; anticipated use
Sec. 7507. State and local supplementation of commodities
Sec. 7508. Authorization and appropriations
Sec. 7509. Relationship to other programs
Sec. 7510. Commodities not income
Sec. 7511. Prohibition against certain State charges
Sec. 7512. Regulations
Sec. 7513. Finality of determinations
Sec. 7514. Incorporation of additional commodities
Sec. 7515. Allotment and delivery of commodities
Sec. 7516. Settlement and adjustment of claims
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