Sec. 7701. Findings
Sec. 7702. Definitions
Sec. 7711. Regulation of movement of plant pests
Sec. 7712. Regulation of movement of plants, plant products, biological control organisms, noxious weeds, articles, and means of conveyance
Sec. 7713. Notification and holding requirements upon arrival
Sec. 7714. General remedial measures for new plant pests and noxious weeds
Sec. 7715. Declaration of extraordinary emergency and resulting authorities
Sec. 7716. Recovery of compensation for unauthorized activities
Sec. 7717. Control of grasshoppers and Mormon crickets
Sec. 7718. Certification for exports
Sec. 7731. Inspections, seizures, and warrants
Sec. 7732. Collection of information
Sec. 7733. Subpoena authority
Sec. 7734. Penalties for violation
Sec. 7735. Enforcement actions of Attorney General
Sec. 7736. Court jurisdiction
Sec. 7751. Cooperation
Sec. 7752. Buildings, land, people, claims, and agreements
Sec. 7753. Reimbursable agreements
Sec. 7754. Regulations and orders
Sec. 7755. Protection for mail handlers
Sec. 7756. Preemption
Sec. 7757. Severability
Sec. 7758. Repeal of superseded laws
Sec. 7759. Fees for inspection of plants for exporting or transiting
Sec. 7760. State terminal inspection; transmission of mailed packages for State inspection; nonmailable matter; punishment for violations; rules and regulations by United States Postal Service
Sec. 7771. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 7772. Transfer authority
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