Sec. 411. Omitted
Sec. 411a. Repealed. Pub. L. 101-624, title XXV, Sec. 2514d, Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 4075
Sec. 411b. Estimates of apple production
Sec. 412, 413. Transferred
Sec. 414. Repealed. Aug. 9, 1955, ch. 632, Sec. 2, 69 Stat. 553
Sec. 414a. Transfer of nonadministrative funds of Commodity Credit Corporation for classing and grading purposes
Sec. 415. Purchase of seeds and plants for distribution
Sec. 415a. Omitted
Sec. 415b. Wool standards; appropriation of certain funds
Sec. 415c. Use of funds for dissemination of information relating to standardization, grading, etc., of wool; charge for grading wool
Sec. 415d. Rules and regulations for wool standards; deposit of receipts in the Treasury
Sec. 415e. Farm or food products; sale of samples, practical forms, etc.
Sec. 416. Letting contract for packeting, etc., of seeds, etc., for distribution
Sec. 417. Distribution of farmers' bulletins
Sec. 418. Annual report on work of agricultural experiment stations and of college extension work; publication and distribution
Sec. 419. Repealed. Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 654, Sec. 112, 65 Stat. 701
Sec. 420. Power to administer oaths, examine witnesses, or require production of books, etc.
Sec. 421. Dairying and livestock experiment station, Mandan, North Dakota
Sec. 421a. Omitted
Sec. 422. Dairying and livestock experiment station, Lewisburg, Tennessee
Sec. 422a. Omitted
Sec. 423. Cotton; investigation of new uses; cooperation with State and other agencies
Sec. 424. Cotton ginning investigations; publication of results; cooperation with Federal and State departments and agencies
Sec. 425. Authorization of appropriations for cotton ginning studies
Sec. 426. Predatory and other wild animals
Sec. 426a. Omitted
Sec. 426b. Authorization of expenditures for the eradication and control of predatory and other wild animals
Sec. 426c. Control of nuisance mammals and birds and those constituting reservoirs of zoonotic diseases; exception
Sec. 427. Agriculture research; declaration of policy; duties of Secretary of Agriculture; use of existing facilities
Sec. 427a to 427h. Repealed. Aug. 11, 1955, ch. 790, Sec. 2, 69 Stat. 674
Sec. 427i. Agricultural research; authorization of additional appropriations; administrative expenses; availability of special research fund
Sec. 427j. Repealed. Aug. 11, 1955, ch. 790, Sec. 2, 69 Stat. 674
Sec. 428. Omitted
Sec. 428a. Acquisition of land; options
Sec. 428b. Wheat and feed grains research; regional and national research programs; utilization of services of Federal, State and private agencies; authorization of appropriations
Sec. 428c. Rice research
Sec. 429. Improvement of poultry, poultry products, and hatcheries
Sec. 430. Purchase and testing of serums or analogous products; dissemination of test results
Sec. 431. Purchase of tags, labels, stamps, and certificates
Sec. 432. Purchase of cultures for soil and fertilizer investigations
Sec. 433. Domestic raising of fur-bearing animals; classification
Sec. 434. Transfer of functions, appropriations, records and property to Secretary of Agriculture
Sec. 435. Omitted
Sec. 436. Transfer of Army Remount Service to Department of Agriculture; effective date
Sec. 437. Administration of transferred property; improvement in horse breeding; acquisition of breeding stock and facilities; fees; cooperation with other organizations
Sec. 438. Repealed. Pub. L. 88-448, title IV, Sec. 402a26, Aug. 19, 1964, 78 Stat. 494
Sec. 439. Operation of Government-owned alcohol plants; location; transfer of plants
Sec. 439a. Powers and duties of Secretary of Agriculture
Sec. 439b. Recommendations to Congress for discontinuance of plants
Sec. 439c. Construction of additional facilities; acquisition of property; incurment of expenses; rules and regulations
Sec. 439d. Assumption of obligations of Reconstruction Finance Corporation covering Muscatine, Iowa, plant
Sec. 439e. Authorization of appropriations; availability of other appropriations
Sec. 440. Reimbursement of appropriations available for classing or grading agriculture commodities without charge
Sec. 441. Repealed. Pub. L. 85-36, title I, Sec. 111, May 23, 1957, 71 Stat. 35
Sec. 442. Availability of grain to prevent waterfowl depredations; payment of packaging, transporting, handling, and other charges
Sec. 443. Requisition of grain to prevent crop depredation by migratory waterfowl
Sec. 444. Reimbursement of packaging and transporting expenses
Sec. 445. Authorization of appropriations for mitigating losses caused by waterfowl depredation
Sec. 446. Repealed. Pub. L. 86-133, Aug. 4, 1959, 73 Stat. 279
Sec. 447. Requisition of surplus grain; prevention of starvation of resident game birds and other resident wildlife; utilization by State agencies; reimbursement for packaging and transporting
Sec. 448. Requisition and use of grain for prevention of starvation of migratory birds; reimbursement for packaging and transporting
Sec. 449. Authorization of appropriations for reimbursement of Commodity Credit Corporation
Sec. 450. Cooperation with State agencies in administration and enforcement of laws relating to marketing of agricultural products and control or eradication of plant and animal diseases and pests; coordination of administration of Federal and State laws
Sec. 450a. Cooperative research projects; agreements with and receipt of funds from State and other agencies
Sec. 450b. Cooperation with State and other agencies; expenditures
Sec. 450c. Delegation of regulatory functions of Secretary of Agriculture; definitions
Sec. 450d. Delegation of regulatory functions to designated employees; status of employees; number; revocation of delegation
Sec. 450e. Authority of designated employees; retroactive revocation of delegation
Sec. 450f. Delegation of functions under other laws as unaffected
Sec. 450g. Authorization of appropriations for cooperative research projects
Sec. 450h. Transferred
Sec. 450i. Competitive, special, and facilities research grants
Sec. 450j. Indemnity payments to dairy farmers and manufacturers of dairy products; milk removed for its residue of chemical or toxic substances; nuclear radiation or fallout contaminants; other legal recourse
Sec. 450k. Authorization of appropriations for dairy farmer indemnities
Sec. 450l. Expiration of dairy farmer indemnity program
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