Sec. 2701. Congressional findings and declaration of policy
Sec. 2702. Definitions
Sec. 2703. Orders of Secretary to egg producers, etc.
Sec. 2704. Notice and hearing upon proposed orders
Sec. 2705. Findings and issuance of orders
Sec. 2706. Permissive terms and conditions in orders
Sec. 2707. Required terms and conditions in orders
Sec. 2708. Referendum among egg producers
Sec. 2709. Termination or suspension of orders
Sec. 2710. Applicability of provisions to amendments to orders
Sec. 2711. Exempted egg producers and breeding hen flocks; conditions and procedures
Sec. 2712. Refund of assessment from Egg Board
Sec. 2713. Administrative review of orders; petition; hearing; judicial review
Sec. 2714. Civil enforcement proceedings
Sec. 2715. Certification of organizations; required contents of report as criteria
Sec. 2716. Regulations
Sec. 2717. Investigations by Secretary; oaths and affirmations; subpenas; judicial enforcement; contempt proceedings; service of process
Sec. 2718. Authorization of appropriations
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