Sec. 1601. Statements of national policy concerning welfare and immigration
Sec. 1611. Aliens who are not qualified aliens ineligible for Federal public benefits
Sec. 1612. Limited eligibility of qualified aliens for certain Federal programs
Sec. 1613. Five-year limited eligibility of qualified aliens for Federal means-tested public benefit
Sec. 1614. Notification and information reporting
Sec. 1615. Requirements relating to provision of benefits based on citizenship, alienage, or immigration status under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, and certain other acts
Sec. 1621. Aliens who are not qualified aliens or nonimmigrants ineligible for State and local public benefits
Sec. 1622. State authority to limit eligibility of qualified aliens for State public benefits
Sec. 1623. Limitation on eligibility for preferential treatment of aliens not lawfully present on basis of residence for higher education benefits
Sec. 1624. Authority of States and political subdivisions of States to limit assistance to aliens and to distinguish among classes of aliens in providing general cash public assistance
Sec. 1625. Authorization for verification of eligibility for State and local public benefits
Sec. 1631. Federal attribution of sponsor's income and resources to alien
Sec. 1632. Authority for States to provide for attribution of sponsors income and resources to the alien with respect to State programs
Sec. 1641. Definitions
Sec. 1642. Verification of eligibility for Federal public benefits
Sec. 1643. Statutory construction
Sec. 1644. Communication between State and local government agencies and Immigration and Naturalization Service
Sec. 1645. Qualifying quarters
Sec. 1646. Derivative eligibility for benefits
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