Trade group pushes DoD to get on the same page with industry on cybersecurity standards

From: Fifth Domain

The defense and aerospace industry wants the Department of Defense to adopt the same set of cybersecurity standards their companies use to trim vulnerabilities throughout their supply chain, rather than piling on additional requirements.

The message to the DoD is one of a handful from the Aerospace Industries Association to encourage what CEO Eric Fanning called “smart regulation” during a media briefing about AIA’s 2019 agenda.

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This nonprofit has a plan to dramatically improve the weakest cybersecurity link

From: The Washington Post | The Cybersecurity 202

By Joseph Marks

A nonprofit organization backed by the New York district attorney’s office and the City of London Police has a plan to dramatically strengthen one of the weakest links in the global cybersecurity ecosystem — small businesses.

The Global Cyber Alliance plans to strengthen that link with a “cybersecurity tool kit for small business” that it’s releasing today. The tool kit includes dozens of free cybersecurity tools, such as anti-virus and ransomware protection, along with guidance on how to install the tools and why they’re necessary.

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FDIC’s Top 3 Challenges Are All Tech Related

From: Nextgov

Among the financial regulator’s biggest challenges, IT modernization and cybersecurity topped the list.

By Aaron Boyd, Senior Editor

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation could solve its top three most pressing challenges by addressing issues with its oversight of cybersecurity and emerging technologies, according to a report from the agency’s inspector general.

“The FDIC plays a critical role in maintaining the stability of our financial system, and in protecting the savings of millions of Americans,” FDIC Inspector General Jay Lerner wrote, noting the agency insures more than $7.4 trillion at some 5,400 banks. In order for the FDIC to meet this mission, the agency must ensure the security of its own systems, as well as the systems of the banks it oversees.

How to build data privacy trust between businesses and customers

From: AEIdeas


The role of government

When businesses are obligated by regulations (and punitive fines) to publicly disclose when information is lost or stolen, they are incentivized to improve the controls and procedures in place to ensure the safety of the data residing on their networks. For firms in industries handling highly sensitive data such as banking and health care — which are already subject to specific cyber-risk regulations to show accountability for the data they retain on customers — this is a major benefit.

Should Washington State Embrace European-Style Privacy Laws?

From: Government Technology

A series of proposals in the state Legislature could bring new transparency and privacy rules for residents, but many states have been slow to embrace similar limits on how companies use and share customer data.

by Joseph O’Sullivan, The Seattle Times


“America, you know, is behind the rest of the world in terms of privacy protections for consumers,” said Alex Alben, the state’s chief privacy officer. “It’s not a secret that people are really upset when they see their data used in ways they didn’t intend.”