National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) Update

From: NIST

Dear NSTIC Stakeholders,

We’ve had a busy spring as we move forward with implementing the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) – and wanted up update you on the latest news.

  • The inaugural NSTIC pilot program generated a ton of interest, with NIST receiving 186 abbreviated proposals for the pilots. Of these, 27 proposals were down-selected as finalists, and proposals from these finalists are due to NIST on May 10. We remain on pace to award 5-8 pilot projects this August that will advance the Identity Ecosystem.

Federal digital strategy misses April release deadline

From: FierceGovernmentIT

No new deadline for the strategy

By Molly Bernhart Walker

The governmentwide digital strategy the Office of Management and Budget said it would unveil in April isn’t ready yet, said Federal Deputy Chief Information Officer Lisa Schlosser at an April 26 ACT-IAC event in Washington, D.C.

“I hate to say that we haven’t met a deadline. However, in this case, there’s a really good reason why we’re pushing this out just a little bit,” said Schlosser.

Schlosser did not set a new deadline for the digital strategy’s release. This is the second time OMB has pushed the strategy back.

House Passes FISMA Update Bill

From: ExecutiveGovernment

The House passed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act Thursday, creating a voluntary system for private organizations to provide national security agencies with cyber threat information.

In addition to CISPA, the House also reached an accord to pass a bill updating the Federal Information Management Security Act of 2002, GovInfo Security reports.

The Federal Information Security Amendments Act, passed by voice vote, will go to the Senate along with the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act and the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development reauthorization bill.

National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (NCCDC)

From: DHS

Posted by Mark Weatherford, Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity

Last weekend I had the privilege of attending the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (NCCDC) in San Antonio, Texas. The Department of Homeland Security is proud to be one of the sponsors of this competition that took place over the course of three days and focused on the operational aspects of securing and defending a “commercial” network infrastructure.

Bipartisan U.S. House vote for cybersecurity bill sends signal for like action in Senate

by AP

WASHINGTON — The House’s solid bipartisan vote for a cybersecurity bill sends a message to the Senate: Now it’s your turn to act.

Ignoring a White House veto threat, the House approved the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, which would encourage companies and the federal government to share information collected on the Internet to help prevent electronic attacks from cybercriminals, foreign governments and terrorists.

The vote Thursday was 248-168, with 42 Democrats joining 206 Republicans in backing the measure.