GAO: The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s Technology Center Construction Project

Attached below is a report from GAO on the subject of “Military Base Realignments and Closures: The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s Technology Center Construction Project.”

According to GAO, the

report examines (1) the extent to which DOD carried out the original scope of work for the NGA Technology Center and whether the building it constructed constitutes a complete and usable facility and (2) the scope of work for the proposed new military construction project to fit out the third floor of the NGA Technology Center and DOD’s rationale for this project.

GAO noted that,

Get Involved in the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC)

Editor’s Note:  Attached below are: 1) the Recommended/Draft Charter for the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group; 2) the Draft By-Laws of the Steering Group; and 3) the Membership Agreement for the Steering Group.

From: NIST

In April 2011, President Obama signed the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace, calling for the public and private sectors to collaborate on the creation of an “Identity Ecosystem” where individuals can choose from multiple identity providers and digital credentials for more convenient, secure, and privacy-enhancing transactions anywhere online.

GAO: CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION — DHS Could Better Manage Security Surveys and Vulnerability Assessments

GAO today released the May 2012 report attached below.  GAO found,

(E.U.) Data protection reforms underestimate costs for business, says (U.K.) Government

Editor’s Note:  Attached below are: 1)  the Proposed European Commission General Data Protection Regulation of 25 Jan 2012; 2) a summary of responses received; and 3) a Revised Proposed General Data Protection Regulation of 22 June 2012.  The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness’ project on Centralized Regulatory Review in the U.K. may be found here.  FISMA Focus expects cost-benefit analysis to assert a significantly influential role in shaping regulation of private sector critical infrastructure. 


The European Commission has not calculated the full costs to businesses of changes to the EU data protection regime, the [U.K.] Government has said.

Big Data Is a ‘New Natural Resource,’ IBM Says

From: Government Technology

“Big Data” is quickly becoming a part of the public sector’s lexicon. This catch-all phrase — shorthand for data that’s collected through different channels: sensors, social media feeds, photos, video and cellphone GPS signals — accounts for 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day. According to, that’s equal to 2.5 billion gigabytes daily.

Public-sector IT leaders and private-sector experts are talking about how they can better integrate this big data into work processes. On Wednesday, June 27, government executives and members of the IBM Watson supercomputer research team gathered for a conference in Washington, D.C., to address how Congress and the federal administration can start utilizing big data cohesively.