Regulating Code, review: A campaigning book

Editor’s Note: A provocative idea.

From: ZDNet

Summary: This is a serious and thoughtful look at how we might resolve the internet regulation dilemmas that have plagued us for 20 years. It’s a campaigning book — but in a subtle and evidence-based way.

By Wendy M Grossman for ZDNet UK Book Reviews

Google, Telstra, Microsoft rail against cloud regulation (Australia)

Editor’s Note:  It would be interesting to examine, for comparative purposes, the views expressed by major technology companies before the regulatory authorities in various countries.

From: ZDNet

Summary: Google, Telstra, and Microsoft warn against mandatory cloud services regulations; would harm start-ups, small business and cloud providers.

By Tim Lohman

Cloud service providers Google, Telstra, and Microsoft have warned that making a proposed new Cloud Computing Consumer Protocol mandatory will stifle the emerging cloud market and leave businesses, consumers, and startups worse off.

NIST cyber framework depends on you

Fron: FCW

By Amber Corrin

The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s draft cybersecurity framework is a stepping stone toward an October deadline for a preliminary plan — and ultimately to a “final” document due in February 2014 under President Barack Obama’s cyber executive order.

To get there, NIST continues to depend on industry and the public’s involvement in creating comprehensive guidelines that are adoptable and effective. The new draft, released Aug. 28, comes just weeks ahead of NIST’s fourth workshop, to be held in Dallas Sept. 11-13.

Cyber accessibility for consumer websites

From: Colorado’s News Leader

KUSA – There is a new frontier of civil rights litigation: cyber accessibility for consumer websites.

Companies are being sued for violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act based on claims that their websites are not accessible to customers with disabilities.

Courts across the country have been split on whether the ADA applies to websites as places of “public accommodation.”

Two recent cases against Target and Netflix were huge game changers. The Department of Justice had been seeking comments on proposed rules to apply to businesses.

Breach Notification is Now EU Law for Communications Providers


On 25 August, the EU’s new breach notification Regulation for electronic communication service (ECS) providers came into force. The Regulation supplements an earlier Directive that instructed ECS companies to notify their competent national authority in accordance with national laws.

Now the new Regulation defines a standard process across the entire Union: European ECS providers are required to provide notice of data breaches (defined in the Directive as the “accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed in connection with the provision of a publicly available electronic communications service in the Union).” It also states, “The provider shall notify the personal data breach to the competent national authority no later than 24 hours after the detection of the personal data breach, where feasible.”