Nato frontline in life-or-death war on cyber-terrorists

From: The Guardian

From attackers trying to bring down planes to criminals targeting banks, the danger is growing

  in Mons 

It’s been a busy week in the skies above Europe’s periphery, as Nato has repeatedly scrambled jets to track “unusual” sorties by Russian bombers.

However lively the aerial game of cat and mouse has been, it is nothing compared to the digital skirmishing that goes on in and around the servers and systems that sustain the western alliance.

Government open data efforts continue to struggle, groups say

From: FierceGovernment


An audit of the federal government’s open data efforts has produced conflicting results.

Where there should be URLs that link to downloadable datasets, agencies sometimes have a short message or an identifier for a non-web resource, such as people’s computers and internal servers, the Sunlight Foundation, a nonprofit dedicate to government transparency, said in an Oct. 29 blog post.

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U.S. Chamber Warns Cyberattack Disclosures Could Hurt Corporate Profits

Editor’s Note: The Chamber raises an important cyber security issue in discussing concerns about wasteful litigation. For more information, see CRE”s discussion paper, Creating a Cost-Effective Cyber Security Safe Harbor.

From: The Wall Street Journal

Chamber Tells SEC Mandatory Disclosures Could ‘Paint A Target’ on Companies’ Backs

By Andrew Ackerman

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is trying to head off efforts to force publicly traded firms to share more information about cyberattacks, warning policy makers that such disclosures could unduly harm corporate profits.

The Risky Business of Cybersecurity

From: New York Law Journal

David A. Katz and Laura A. McIntosh

“The national and economic security of the United States depends on the reliable functioning of critical infrastructure. Cybersecurity threats exploit the increased complexity and connectivity of critical infrastructure systems, placing the Nation’s security, economy, and public safety and health at risk. Similar to financial and reputational risk, cybersecurity risk affects a company’s bottom line. It can drive up costs and impact revenue. It can harm an organization’s ability to innovate and to gain and maintain customers.”1

Former White House Cyber Czar Says Private Sector Must Lead Government in Security Needs

From: RIA Novisti (Russia)

WASHINGTON, October 29 (RIA Novosti) – After the establishment of the a sophisticated state-sponsored Chinese cyberespionage unit by a consortium of private companies, the government must watch the private sector and global companies to meet cybersecurity needs, a former White House cybersecurity coordinator Howard Schmidt has told RIA Novosti.

“Number one, the government moves at government speed, the private sector operates at internet speed,” Schmidt said Tuesday during the Government Cybersecurity Forum, regarding the role of private companies in providing security against cyberespionage.