SCADA Security in the 21st Century

From: Australian Mining

Every day Australia’s mining sector is under attack from cybercriminals both foreign and domestic, doing their outmost to gain any information on new contracts, mining operations and site specifics that can be used, or sold to the highest bidder.

According to Symantec, more than 43 per cent the world’s mining and oil companies were hacked or underwent some sort of cyber-attack in the past year. Furthermore, as attacks increase so does the level of new technology and as more mining companies begin to upgrade their networks and SCADA systems, they unwittingly give rise to new vulnerabilities.

INVITE: High Baseline Tiger Team

From: FedRAMP

The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) is looking for Government volunteers to join the High Baseline Tiger Team. This team will adjudicate the public commentary received for the draft High Baseline in January 2015.

The Tiger Team will develop a series of recommendations for changes to the high baseline. The team’s focus will be to review all comments received during the public comment period. The Tiger Team will adjudicate the comments in preparation for a second round of public comment on the draft baseline.

Enhancing the Role of Fusion Centers in Cybersecurity

From: Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council

In recent years, the growing number and sophistication of threats to the nation’s cyber infrastructure have motivated governors to consider adding or expanding cybersecurity capabilities within state fusion centers.  Given that states play leading roles in promoting cybersecurity, using fusion centers as a way to enhance cybersecurity capabilities may be a practical solution to an emerging problem.

The article is available at


Countries should address disruptive effects of the digital economy

From: OECD

Countries are making increased efforts to develop their digital economies in a way that will maximise social and economic benefits, but now need to address the risk of disruption in areas like privacy and jobs, according to a new OECD report.

The OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2015 finds that most countries have moved from a narrow focus on communications technology to a broader digital approach that integrates social and economic priorities. Yet no OECD country has a national strategy on online privacy protection or is funding research in this area, which tends to be viewed as a matter for law enforcement authorities to handle.

Security awareness to benefit from government incentives, says former GC of Verizon

From: Channelnomics

Pricey government fines will force management to think security

By Scharon Harding


During the teleconference, Randy Milch, CLS distinguished fellow and former GC of Verizon, said the U.S. government is now aiming to incentivize organizations to ensure they have good security.

What this means, according to Milch, is the government will send a federal or state regulator to investigate hacked companies, decide if they took the proper precautions and fine those found to have used “inappropriate” practices “multiple millions of dollars”.

This will affect company heads, he added.

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