Army Creating Cyber Units With Soldiers, Civilians


| Stars and Stripes

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — The Army is looking for soldiers and civilians to serve in new cyber units charged with protecting critical stateside infrastructure and creating “effects” on the battlefield in support of conventional forces. The challenge: Attracting the creative, energetic talent typically drawn to the freewheeling tech sector.


Recruiters are hoping to tap into some of the energy that has helped Silicon Valley lead the world in information technology. However, it’s unclear whether the Army can provide an environment compatible with the techies whose skills have made Google, Microsoft and Apple household names. A different sort of soldier will need to be recruited to fight in “a seriously nontraditional” space, said Arizona State University engineering professor Braden Allenby.

Coffee Shops, Hotels: “Free” Wi-Fi Can Come with a Price

From: Public News Service

COLUMBUS, Ohio – There can be a high price to pay for the ease of so-called free Wi-Fi at your favorite coffee shop, or hotel lobby.


McAllister warns that con artists often set up fake networks in public places. She recommends never using public Wi-Fi, especially for banking or shopping because that’s where hackers are lurking.

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FedRAMP Online Training Series



The FedRAMP Online Training Series is an interactive e-learning medium published on a Web-based Learning Management System (LMS) called Blackboard. The goal of the FedRAMP Online Training Series is to provide a deeper understanding of the FedRAMP program and the level of effort required to satisfactorily complete a FedRAMP assessment.

Target Audience

The FedRAMP Online Training Series is intended for Cloud Service Providers (CSP) and Federal Agencies that are interested in learning more about the FedRAMP program  or ready to begin a FedRAMP security authorization and assessment.


Apple takes Washington


Steve Jobs famously disdained D.C. Tim Cook’s quietly taking it on.

The Psychology Of Insecurity

From: TechCrunch


The recent Ashley Madison hack isn’t the only high-profile one to make headlines this summer. The personal and private information of more than 21.5 million current and former federal employees and over a million unique fingerprint scans were leaked in an attack on the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that is believed to be the work of the Chinese. Government officials said longtime security lapses left the OPM vulnerable to hackers. As a result of the OPM hack, Director Katherine Archuleta has been forced to resign.
