Regulators look for role in the Internet of Things (+video)

From: The Christian Science Monitor

At an Atlantic Council event, experts debated what part the US government could play in regulating the Internet of Things more effectively.

With more than 20 billion devices getting hooked up to the Internet by 2020, the US government could play a big role in creating rules to eliminate software vulnerabilities in those products.

But regulating the potentially $19 trillion so-called Internet of Things (IoT) industry won’t be easy. Officials won’t just need to develop rules for products that range from refrigerators to cars, but may also need to decide whether to guide that process or follow Silicon Valley’s lead.

ICIT Explains NIST Guide Impact on Healthcare Cybersecurity

From: HealthITSecurity


A recent NIST design guide discussing integrating security measures into the development process could potentially affect healthcare cybersecurity.

As health IT developers work to create the latest platforms and tools for the industry, it is essential that healthcare cybersecurity measures remain a top priority. However, numerous types of healthcare organizations should take note of a guide released earlier this month that could potentially impact how the industry can keep data secure.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently released its second draft of “Systems Security Engineering: Considerations for a Multidisciplinary Approach in the Engineering of Trustworthy Secure System” (SP 800-160).

NIST to Fund National Cybersecurity Network; Other Nations Invest in Cybersecurity R&D

From: SSTI

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released a federal funding opportunity (FFO) to establish and sustain up to eight Regional Alliances and Multistakeholder Partnerships to Stimulate (RAMPS) Cybersecurity Education and Workforce Development. Through this announcement, NIST will commit up to $1.6 million for state or regional consortiums that identify cybersecurity workforce development pathways that address local workforce needs. Although lead organizations must be a nonprofit or institution of higher education, NIST encourages public-private partnerships with industry and local governments. Proposals are due July 12, 2016.

Cyber security in aviation: The woman who saw the tsunami coming

From: RunwayGirlNetwork

By Maryann Simson

As a forensic chemist dealing in explosives and crime scene investigation, Boeing’s Faye Francy spent the first half of her career analyzing the ugly aftermath of malicious attacks on aviation. Now, in a parallel role as executive director of the recently formed Aviation Information Sharing and Analysis Center (A-ISAC), she’s making it her goal in the second half to stop, or at very least mitigate the impact cyber attacks on industry stakeholders.

It’s 2016 and we don’t know who has our personal data

From: ZDNet

Companies continue to prove that they can’t protect the data they collect, or even pinpoint where it is

By for Identity Matters


The big losers are always end-users who entrust their data to companies big and small that continue to prove they can’t protect the information they have collected. LinkedIn is only the recent headline punching bag. Others have left an indelible mark including Adobe (152 million records), Ashley Madison (30 million), (27 million), and the United States Office of Personnel Management (21 million).
