SEC Plans Cybersecurity Guidance Refresh: What to Expect

From: Bank Info Security

Breach Notification Timing and Insider Trading Rules Among Expected Changes

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is planning to update its 6-year-old cybersecurity guidance for how publicly traded firms report data breaches to investors.

The agency has indicated that it expects to refine guidance around how businesses disclose cybersecurity risks to investors as well as require insider trading programs to include blackout rules in the event that a suspected data breach gets discovered (see Report: SEC Plans Breach Reporting Guidance Refresh).

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UAE Exchange CEO On FinTech Hubs And Ready Regulators



Regulatory sandboxes, he said, have opened the path for talented entrepreneurs to bring their solutions into local markets without facing often prohibitive regulatory barriers.

One example he offered was the regulatory laboratory (RegLab) by ADGM, which launched in November 2016. Earlier in 2017, that lab accepted its first batch of FinTech startups that will be tied to its new innovation center.

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Approaches to International Cyberlaw: A View from Israel

From: Lawfare

By Matthew Waxman, Yuval Shany

It’s not often that we come away from international law workshops most impressed and inspired by methodological debates. But that was our common takeaway of a recent Hebrew University Cyber Security Research Center on the Tallinn Manuals on Cyber Operations.  Before sharing our thoughts, we’d like to underscore that Yuval Shany is the director of the Hebrew University Cyber Security Research Center and Matt Waxman is an external advisor.

The Man Behind the Cybersecurity ‘Moonshot’

From: BankInfoSecurity

Also, Bipartisan Senate Bill Aims to Secure Electoral Process

Exploring Samuel Visner’s vision – patterned after the Manhattan Project and moonshot – for collaborating to create innovative ways to improve cybersecurity leads the latest edition of the ISMG Security Report. Visner is the new director of the National Cybersecurity Federally Funded Research and Development Center, an affiliate of NIST and the MITRE Corp.

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The government is spending hundreds of millions of putting self-driving cars on the streets. But it isn’t spending enough time or money on getting those streets ready

From: Independent

Andrew Griffin

The British Government is spending unprecedented amounts of money on encouraging the development of cars that drive themselves. But the UK is little prepared for the disruptive and potentially devastating changes that such cars could bring to our streets, experts have warned.

While huge amounts of work is being done in the UK and elsewhere on such technology, towns and cities are continuing to work largely as they have with private, driven vehicles – by both governments and private car and tech companies – little is being done to change the cities they will drive around. That could become a problem if autonomous vehicles truly take over, as the government has both predicted and supported.