NTIA: Heroes in the Fight Against Botnets

From: CyberScoop

The small government agency creating a policy to stop botnets

Shaun Waterman


Instead, officials approached a small agency within the Commerce Department, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, which was acquiring a reputation for addressing complex cybersecurity problems using a new model of policymaking.


Remaley said NTIA was committed to involving what she called “the small players” in the process. “It’s taken a little extra push but we’re committed to bringing them to the table,” she said.

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SEC Directs Regulatory Fire at Initial Coin Offerings

From: The Recorder

By Jared L. Kopel

Amid the general deregulatory thrust of the Trump Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission has launched a major regulatory initiative directed at initial coin offerings (ICOs), the fundraising devices that provide a digital “coin” or “token” to investors. SEC head Jay Clayton recently stated that he had instructed the SEC staff “to be on high alert” for ICOs that violated the federal securities laws. The SEC recently obtained a court order halting an ICO that claimed to have raised $600 million, alleging that it relied on false and misleading statements concerning its business operations. State and industry self-regulators have also signaled a crackdown on ICOs and cryptocurrencies. The regulatory effort enfolds two themes: ICOs must comply with the federal securities registration requirements and many ICOs are no more than old-fashioned frauds. Further, the form of a transaction cannot eclipse the economic substance and the manner in which an ICO is marketed is significant in determining whether it is a securities offering.

Changes Coming to the FAR: Government Proposes New Rules on Data Breaches, Cost Evaluation of IDIQ Proposals, and Overseas Small Business Contracting

From: National Law Review

Article By Susan B. Cassidy, Evan Sherwood | Covington & Burling LLP

Among the proposed rules, announced in the Semiannual Regulatory Agenda of the FAR Council and the General Services Administration (“GSA”), are changes that would affect nearly every segment of the government contracts industry.  Although some of the rules may simplify the burdens on contractors, most come with enhanced compliance obligations, particularly with respect to data security and cyber incidents.

Some of the key proposals are summarized below.

Trump’s crazy 5G plan actually ‘diagnoses a real problem’

From: Cnet

The US isn’t likely to build its own cellular network, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t real concern over wireless security.



“I agree there are serious concerns relating to the Chinese government’s influence into network equipment markets,” said Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, a Democrat, who’s vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Intelligence. “I would look forward to working with the administration on a viable, cost-effective solution to begin addressing those risks.”

Incident Reporting Key to New Cybersecurity Rule

From: National Defense

By Robert S. Metzger

By now, most companies in the Defense Department supply chain know they were to implement a series of cybersecurity safeguards by no later than Dec. 31 in order to protect “covered defense systems” from being stolen by foreign adversaries.

The duty arose from the mandatory clause in the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 252.204-7012 titled, “Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting.”

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