Rosenstein: Social media companies need to self-regulate or government will take action

From: The Hill

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Thursday said social media companies need to protect their platforms from disinformation campaigns and properly police false or misleading content or they will face government regulation.

“I think the companies now do understand if they do not take it upon themselves to self-regulate — which is essentially the theme of my talk today — they will face the potential of government regulation,” he said.

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House passes SMART IoT Act

From: FCW


By Matt Leonard

The House passed the SMART IoT Act on Nov. 28 in a unanimous voice vote, sending the bill  to the Senate with just over two weeks until Congress is set to adjourn.

The legislation, introduced by Rep. Robert Latta (R-Ohio), tasks the Department of Commerce with studying the current internet-of-things industry in the United States. The research would look into what companies develop IoT technology, what federal agencies have jurisdiction in overseeing this industry and what regulations have already been developed.

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Security on the railway: does collecting personal data have a place?

From: Railway Technology

By Julian Turner

The Belgian Government has approved a pilot project to collect data on Eurostar travellers, part of the Passenger Name Record regulation that applies to international flights. Should the rail industry bear a similar responsibility to airlines when it comes to security issues?

Passengers on board Eurostar services between Brussels and London will soon be parting with more than just the price of a ticket; they will also be sharing personal data – everything from travel dates and itineraries to contact details, even their seat number – with security and customs agencies.

States and Cities Turn Away From Federal Tech Policy

From: Government Technology

by Kate Patrick

(TNS) — When it comes to setting up a federal privacy standard that overrides state and local privacy laws, New York City just told the Trump administration “thanks, but no thanks.”

In a new filing, New York City — like the state of California — informed the federal government it will draft and pass its own Internet privacy law regardless of any standards set by Washington, throwing cold water on the feds’ efforts to arrive at a national consensus for federal tech policy.

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Details still elusive on possible federal data privacy standard

From: FCW

By Chase Gunter

There appears to be growing bipartisan consensus across multiple congressional committees, the Federal Trade Commission and tech companies that some national data privacy legislation is needed in part to harmonize with European rules, eliminate the confusing patchwork of state-level laws and protect U.S. consumers against Equifax-style breaches. But as ever, details and a timeline on new legislation remain unclear.

All five FTC commissioners testified at a Nov. 27 hearing of the Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance and Data Security subcommittee of the Senate Commerce Committee.

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