Forerunners of the gains and losses of United States Chief cloud development

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From: C114 communications network in China

Cloud computing technology and applications are profoundly changing industries. At present, the Government, financial sector, transportation industry and the market has a growing number of individuals “in the cloud” in the floor. From the perspective of global markets, United States is the first countries to promote e-Government, as well as cloud computing development leader, its experience is worth learning and reference. In China, China’s Government also issued the corresponding policies, guide the development of the cloud computing industry. Cloud computing has become more and more important part in our life.

United States is no doubt the global ICT industry leader. In the wave of cloud development since 2006, United States businesses and pays homage to the Government is to act as the forerunner.

As early as in 2010, the rest of the world not to wonder when you understand what cloud computing is, United States Federal CIO issued a “25 point plan to reform the Federal IT management”, one of the most important thing is implemented in federal institutions “cloud first” policy, and developed a “Federal cloud strategy”. The main elements of the strategy include the promotion of the Government Data Center consolidation , cloud services and cloud security certification (FedRAMP), on-line Government cloud app store (, perfect cloud computing standards and force the Federal Agency to take a certain portion of the application migration to the cloud.

United States Government, as the world’s largest “purchaser” (US $ 400 billion in total annual expenditure, IT spends about US $ 80 billion) to industry influence without a doubt. In the “Federal cloud computing strategy” mentioned in the total IT spending of around US $ 20 billion with the potential of cloud computing, and cloud computing service providers who have seen a huge “cake”.

Today, the United States Federal Government’s strategic progress, exactly what problems had been encountered and challenges? And who experience domestic reference?


Three experiences for reference

Although the United States Government still has many problems in the application of cloud computing technologies, also failed to achieve some progress, Federal cloud computing strategy is gradually advancing. United States Government cloud computing strategies for government agencies on the one hand improve IT system performance, reducing unnecessary costs; but also provide a huge market opportunity for cloud computing enterprise greatly pulled the United States development of the cloud computing industry.

United States Government’s experience in Government cloud computing application can be summarized into three points:

One is to underscore the importance of high-level strategy. An innovative strategy tends to traditional habits and interest groups tie and a mere formality, so is cloud computing, the establishment of high-level strategic, implementation of “leader engineering” is particularly important.

Second, attaches great importance to security issues, establish and improve the control mechanisms. Safety is the primary issue facing cloud computing, secure control using cloud computing for government agencies, must be established by the participation of all stakeholders, including standards, review, certification, monitoring , and a complete process management mechanism.

Third, the policy seeks to pragmatic and moderate leading industries. United States’s Cloud Computing strategy is not a general policy guideline, but broken down into a number of very practical policy measures, such as integrated government data center, build a FedRAMP, perfecting the standard system, each measure has lead departments and agencies, the task is clear. While the strategies put forward by standards, safety requirements, and higher than the market average, played a leading role in industry development.

Conclusion: January 2015 released of State on promote cloud computing innovation development foster information industry new industry State of views (country sent (2015) 5th,) in the clear proposed has “exploration electronic Chief cloud computing development new mode” of task, hope “Government sector to increased procurement cloud computing service of efforts, active carried out pilot model, exploration based on cloud computing of Chief information construction run new mechanism”, “for cloud computing created more big market space, Driving cloud computing industry development “.

At present, many government departments are also actively exploring the use of cloud computing services, and achieved very good results, such as Nanjing, Jinan Government cloud desktop, “Jinan Government Cloud Computing Center”, Chengdu city, “Cloud Computing Center in Chengdu” and so on. These new policy practices and relevant government departments will greatly promote the application of government departments at all levels in the area of cloud computing, while the industry also needs constant attention and absorb the United States and other advanced countries and the experience Division who long for our use.

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