Prepare for the Coming Cyber Attacks on America

Editor’s Note: For an earlier warning of the need for cyber-physical disaster preparation, see the 2005 CIO article, What will you do when the cyber-levee breaks?

From: Physician’s Money Digest

Gillian Tett,

Another week, another wave of cyber alarm in America. On Wednesday both the New York Stock Exchange and United Airlines suspended activity for several hours due to mysterious computing problems, while the Wall Street Journal’s website briefly went down. All three insisted that the outages reflected technical hitches, not malicious attack. But many are anxious after past assaults on mighty American companies and agencies.

In February Anthem, an insurance company, revealed that cyber hackers had stolen information on 80 million customers. The Washington-based Office of Personnel Management said cyber hackers had taken data on millions of federal employees. Companies ranging from retailers to banks have been attacked, too.

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