DHS Needs to Take Urgent Action to Identify Its Position and Critical Cybersecurity Skill Requirements

From: US GAO

Cybersecurity Workforce: DHS Needs to Take Urgent Action to Identify Its Position and Critical Skill Requirements


In our report, we recommended that DHS 1) develop guidance to assist DHS components in identifying their cybersecurity work categories and specialty areas of critical need that align to the NICE framework and 2) develop plans with time frames to identify priority actions to report on specialty areas of critical need. DHS concurred with the recommendations and stated that it plans to implement them by June 2018.

In summary, DHS needs to act now to completely and accurately identify, categorize, and assign codes to all of its cybersecurity positions, and to identify and report on its cybersecurity workforce areas of critical need. Implementing the six recommendations we made in our February 2018 report should better position the department to meet the requirements of the 2014 act. Further, doing so will help DHS understand its needs for recruiting, hiring, developing, and retaining a cybersecurity workforce with the skills necessary to accomplish the department’s varied and essential cybersecurity mission. Until DHS implements our recommendations, it will not be able to ensure that it has the necessary cybersecurity personnel to help protect the department’s and federal networks and the nation’s critical infrastructure from cyber threats.

Read Complete Testimony, GAO-18-430T


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