The Facebook breach makes it clear: data must be regulated

Editor’s Note: See also What is Facebook’s Responsibility for Serving as the Sales Platform for Radioactive Counterfeit Cigarettes? and Facebook Continues to Profit from Illegal Tobacco.

From: The Guardian | Opinion

Companies use our personal information to enrich themselves. Regulation of this practice is long overdue



The big data companies are opaque to consumers and regulators alike, so few people understand the risks and companies can often hide data breaches for a long time. US law provides very little privacy protection, leaving consumers with little or no recourse when they are harmed.

It is past time that the US recognize that data is too important to be unregulated. Equifax has yet to face significant consequences, despite losing control of the financial data of most adult Americans. Is that appropriate? Will Facebook face consequences for the data it lost to Cambridge Analytica? Will Cambridge Analytica or the Trump campaign be held to account?

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