FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr talks 5G, small cell regulations and national security

From: FierceWireless

by Mike Dano


Is 5G an issue of national security?

“I think, rightly so, there is a lot of focus at the federal government as, how do we make sure that our networks are secure?” Carr said. “At the FCC, we have an important role to play with this. The Department of Homeland Security is actually our sector-specific agency for telecom, that plays a central role for cybersecurity. And my view is that we at the FCC should be working with DHS in supporting those efforts. I think now is the right time, as we look at the rollout of 5G networks, to see how we make sure that cybersecurity and security in general are built into these networks. And the private sector is actually devoting tremendous resources, funding as well, to make sure that the rollout of these networks is done in a way that they continue to be secure. So, I think it’s a good discussion that we’re having right now, to make sure that we’re leading the world in 5G deployment, and these networks are secure.”

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