Russians are hacking our electric grid. Where’s the urgency on this escalating threat?

From: USA Today

Suedeen Kelly, Opinion contributor

Foreign hackers are effectively sitting in our power supply rooms. We need a national plan to make our electric grid as impenetrable as possible.

There can no longer be any doubt: In a warning issued March 15, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI confirmed that Russian hackershave infiltrated the U.S. electric grid and may well have the ability to shut down our power plants at will.


And that is something the U.S. public rightly fears. In a survey this month sponsored by Protect Our Power, a group of professionals focused on strengthening the grid, 66% of respondents said they are unprepared for an extended power outage, and 67% said they would anticipate significant financial or quality-of-life damage in the event of an extended outage.

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