Archive for June, 2013

Cyber attacks pose greatest threat to nations, say global execs

From: InfoWorld

More than half of IT pros and top brass believe cyber criminals have invaded their systems in the past or are still inside them, security survey says

By John P Mello Jr

Business brass and IT pros around the world believe cyber attacks are a greater threat to their countries than a physical attack, a survey released Tuesday by Cyber Ark reveals.

Some 80 percent of more than 900 executives and IT pros from around the world polled for Cyber Ark’s Global Advanced Threat Landscape survey felt their nations were at greater risk from cyber attacks than physical attacks.

Cybersecurity and the Limits of Leader Summits

From: The Diplomat

By  Christopher Whyte

The recent summit meeting in California between President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart, President Xi Jinping was seen by many as an important milestone in Sino-American bilateral relations. Indeed, the informality and broad range of subjects discussed between two competitive nations led many observers to draw parallels to the U.S.-Soviet summits of yesteryear.

So where do we go from here? Will the summit produce concrete, cooperative policy results in the long term, as they so often did in the latter days of the Cold War?

Telecom Firms Form Privacy Coalition

From: AdWeek

Washington insiders Leibowitz and Bono Mack are co-chairs

By Katy Bachman

As privacy and data security heat up on Capitol Hill in the wake of news over the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs, a group of the nation’s largest telecommunications companies formed the 21st Century Privacy Coalition.

The coalition will be co-chaired by two big-name Washington insiders familiar with privacy and data security issues: former Federal Trade Commission chairman Jon Leibowitz of Davis Polk & Wardwell and former U.S. Rep. Mary Bono Mack of FaegreBD Consulting, who took on privacy and data security policy when she served as chairwoman of the subcommittee on commerce, manufacturing and trade.

Facebook may have leaked data for users and nonusers alike

From: InfoWorld

Security company Packet Storm criticizes Facebook for downplaying bug that allowed access to potentially sensitive information

By Ted Samson

Bad news for privacy-conscious souls who’ve tried to keep their personal data out of Facebook’s deep info troves: The company has suffered a massive data leak affecting not just millions of its users, but also an undisclosed number of users who might not even use the social networking site. Compounding the problem, security company Packet Storm — which first reported the data leak — is accusing Facebook of downplaying the scope of the leak, to the point of being “antithetical to [its] own aspirational goal in winning consumers’ trust.”

ISACA’s EuroCACS/ISRM Conference in London to Address Next Steps for Cybersecurity and the Cloud


Cybersecurity and data privacy have been dramatically affected by advanced persistent threat (APT) and the deluge of “consumerisation of IT,” including bring-your-own-device (BYOD), cloud services, and social media. Now, more than ever, cybersecurity efforts must involve the full enterprise, from the top down. ISACA’s European Computer Audit, Control and Security (CACS)/Information Security and Risk Management (ISRM) Conference in London, England, on 16-18 September 2013, will bring global experts together to examine advances in assurance, risk and security, and will provide guidance to help attendees face these challenges.

U.S.-India Joint Fact Sheet: International Security

From: US State Department/Press Release

Defense cooperation is an important aspect of U.S.-India bilateral collaboration. The defense relationship encompasses military-to-military dialogues, exercises, defense sales, professional military education exchanges, and practical cooperation. Both sides plan to continue pursuit of defense cooperation to mutual benefit. Both sides reiterated that the defense establishments of both countries should remain engaged through the process of dialogues, regular staff talks, reciprocal high level visits, and other exchange.

An Executive’s Guide To Security Risks

From: Forbes

The following guest post is by Dwayne Melancon, CISA, chief technology officer, Tripwire, an IT security software company.

The SEC is getting pretty explicit about information security risk. You have to identify it, you have to declare it, and you have to manage it.  The problem is, a lot of the CEOs I talk with have no clue what they are accepting when they sign off on information security risk.

Brazil: Zurich discusses supply chain risks, highlights cyber security offering

Editor’s Note:  The complete article linked to below is in Portugese.

Zurich Insurance Group Ltd. highlighted the importance of addressing supply chain risks during a conference in the city of Guaruja in Brazil, reported

Zurich also spoke about the increasing risks related to cyber-attacks and highlighted its “Security & Privacy” product that will soon be launched in Brazil and some other markets.

The insurer said it is essential to frequently analyze cyber and supply chain-related risks to reduce any negative impact.

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On anniversary of Korea War, cyber fireworks fly

From: Christian Science Monitor

On the 63rd anniversary of the Korean War that divided the peninsula, hackers hit systems in both North and South Korea.

As the Korean Peninsula awoke to commemorate the 63rd anniversary of the start of the Korean War today, major government and media websites in both North and South Korea appeared to be under electronic attack.

Seoul said it was investigating cyber attacks on the websites for the presidential Blue House, prime minister’s office, and a handful of major media organizations. The South Korean intelligence service is also looking into whether or not the shutdown of some North Korean sites was due to being hacked, reports The Associated Press.

OAS Assistant Secretary General Opens Cyber Security Crisis Management Exercise

From: Organization of American States

The Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Albert Ramdin, noted that cyber attacks are taking place in the region with “frightening frequency, sometimes with far reaching and disastrous consequences,” in his remarks during the inauguration of a sub regional cyber security management exercise taking place at the headquarters of the OAS in Washington DC, in which Anne Witkowsky, the Acting principal Deputy Coordinator for the Bureau of Counterterrorism of the United States Department of State, also took part.