Archive for January, 2016

Gov’t tries to soothe cyber security permit concerns

From: Globes

Israeli cyber figures held an emergency conference on a draft order imposing supervision on cyber systems exports.

Yuval Azulai

The defense establishment and the National Cyber Bureau in the Prime Minister’s Office are considering a change in the order mandating supervision over exports of cyber systems in an attempt to soothe the heads of the companies doing business in this field. The draft order under which the Ministry of Defense will supervise exports of some cyber systems developed and produced in Israel was revealed last week in “Globes,” creating waves in Israeli cyber companies. According to Defense Export Controls Agency director Dubi Lavi, “It is fairly certain that the final version of the supervision order will be changed. At the same time, we will not suspend measures in this matter, because there is an important need for this supervision. In the framework of changes in the wording, we will sharpen the definitions and issue clarifications.” Lavi did not specify the items in the order in which changes would be made.

New IT regulatory bodies for Singapore

From: Security Asia

By Networks Asia staff

Singapore’s Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) will restructure the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) to form the Info-communications Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) and the Government Technology Organisation (GTO).

The agencies will come into effect on April 1, the start of Singapore’s fiscal year,  although they are slated to be fully operational within the second half of 2016 the Government said.

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State CIOs agenda targets cybersecurity

From: CIO

NASCIO’s federal policy agenda for new year looks to expand resources to secure critical infrastructure, recruit top talent and ease the burden of federal regulations.


The association representing state CIOs has an ambitious policy agenda in the nation’s capital this year, when members and their advocates will be appealing to Congress for help in securing critical infrastructure and for relief from a thicket of federal regulations.

At the top of the list is cybersecurity, perhaps unsurprising given that members of the National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO) ranked that issue at the top of their own set of operational priorities late last year.

UAE among global top 20 for cyber security

From: Trade Arabia

DUBAI,The UAE ranks 17th in the world for cyber security preparedness, outpacing European countries such as Greece, Ireland, and Portugal, said industry experts.

“The UAEs’ impressive ranking demonstrates the effectiveness of the National Electronic Security Authority’s cyber security outreach, and that the UAE government is one of the most innovative countries in the world in prioritizing cyber security,” said Savitha Bhaskar, COO of IT consultancy and cybersecurity experts Condo Protego.

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Free Basics: Regulatory principles versus Ideology

From: FirstPost

By Mahesh Uppal

Should Facebook’s Free Basics initiative be stopped immediately? A response to this question cannot depend on claims, either of its promoter – Facebook – or its critics. And, the issue is not whether Facebook’s goal is to expand internet access to the poor or to further its business. It is whether there is any evidence that Free Basics violates any existing rule, harms consumers or other players in the market. An economic regulator, such as Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) will need to settle this, using data and well established tests, not petitions that support or oppose Free Basics.

Will the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation impact your business?

From: Network World

The European Commission has approved the most stringent data privacy regulation anywhere. Here’s what you need to know about how it might touch you

Does your company do business internationally, and especially with customers within the European Union (EU)? If so, then you need to pay attention to what’s happening in the areas of data privacy and data sovereignty. Big changes are underway and they could have an impact on how you manage customer information.

Washington State Announces Federal Cybersecurity Partnership, Office of Privacy and Data Protection

From: Government Technology

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee recently named two new ways the state will protect its systems and the data of its citizens.

On Jan. 6 at the Governor’s Summit on Cybersecurity and Privacy, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announced two new programs to strengthen cybersecurity and privacy in the state. Washington will partner with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to strengthen critical infrastructure and government services, and through the governor’s executive order, the state will also create a new state Office of Privacy and Data Protection.

Regulation around the corner

From: FT Adviser

By Paul Edmondson


In the longer term, the pace and scale of EU-driven reforms will reduce – the number of new initiatives has been cut every year for the past five years. But 2016 will be a busy year for EU regulators.


The overlapping issues of Big Data, outsourcing to the cloud and cyber risks, will become increasingly important issues for the regulators. This emphasis echoes the work done at European level by the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) to encourage uptake of new technology by the financial services sector. Linked with this, the finalised text of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation is expected imminently.

Licence modification related to cyber security announced in Oman

From: Times of Oman

by Times News Service

Muscat: Authority for Electricity Regulation, Oman has announced a licence modification in all licensees, owned and operated by the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Data Capture Systems (DCS) systems related to cyber security.

The SCADA and DCS systems fulfil a critical role in the electricity sector, enabling the safe and efficient operation of power plants and transmission and distribution networks on a round-the-clock basis that ensures customers are provided with the electricity they need, irrespective of when they need it.

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