Archive for September, 2017

How cyber impacts the full spectrum of terror threats

From: FCW


By Mark Rockwell


“There is no longer a ‘home game’ and an ‘away game,'” for homeland security, DHS Acting Secretary Elaine Duke said at a Sept. 27 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing. “The line is blurred, and the threats are connected across borders.”

“Cyber is fueling all other terror threats,” said Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) Online cross-pollination between terrorist and transnational crime organizations and other nefarious actors has made a “witches’ brew of the internet.”


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Would Data Breach Notification Laws Really Improve Cybersecurity?

From: Reason

Responses to top-down federal dictates are hard to predict.

Another month, another major hack. This time, the compromise of consumer credit reporting agency Equifax has exposed the personally identifiable information (PII) of roughly 143 million U.S. consumers (not customers!) to outside groups.

People are understandably furious, and they want solutions. But we should be wary of quick legislative proposals that promise to easily fix our cybersecurity woes. Our problems with security are deep and hairy, and require lasting solutions rather than short-term Band-Aids.

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Singapore proposes changes to cybersecurity and data protection regimes

From: Norton Rose Fulbright | Data Protection Report

In a bid to keep pace with advancements in the technological landscape, the Singapore Government has in recent months embarked on public consultations on its draft Cybersecurity Bill (the Cyber Bill) and its proposed amendments to Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) to update the country’s data protection regime. These changes will have a significant impact on how companies manage personal data and secure their information systems.

Singapore to have new academy to train cybersecurity professionals

From: ChannelNewsAsia

SINGAPORE: More needs to be done even as Singapore has made “good progress” in building up its cybersecurity capabilities, as it is more exposed than many other countries to cyberattacks, said Acting Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean on Tuesday (Sep 19).

To address this, and as part of efforts to invest in its people, Mr Teo said the Cyber Security Agency (CSA) will develop a new academy to train cybersecurity professionals, and it will partner leading industry partners to train those in government and critical information infrastructure (CII) sectors. This will be opened in the later part of this fiscal year, and will be expanded later to include cybersecurity professionals for the wider community.

First ever marine type approval system for cyber enabled components announced

From: Hellenic Shipping News

Introduction of this type approval procedure is important, as it defines a critical point in the evolution of smart technology implementation within the marine and offshore industry – delivering an assurance system that provides confidence in the market for the supply of cyber enabled components.

Providing all the benefits of traditional type approval; reassurance on supply chain quality and robustness within the marine environment, the new procedure will also incorporate consideration to the functioning of a cyber enabled system, such as cyber security.

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2 cybersecurity violations found at Pilgrim

From: Cape Cod Times

Nuclear plant owner has sought to bypass new federal requirements.

PLYMOUTH — Federal regulators found two violations related to cybersecurity at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station during an inspection last month.

And although details are scarce, in both instances staff performance at the plant, which is owned and operated by Entergy Corp., again fell short.

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South Korea Moves to Impose Stricter Digital Currency Regulations

From: The Countelegraph

By Joshua Althauser

The South Korean digital currency task force held a joint meeting in September 2017 to discuss the introduction of stricter regulation and monitoring of virtual currencies, including Bitcoin. The task force is composed of the country’s central bank, financial regulators and cryptocurrency companies.

The meeting was attended by the Korea Fair Trade Commission and the National Tax Service, among others. Agenda items included the strengthening of user authentication procedures at exchanges and the ‘suspicious transaction reporting’ systems used at banks for deals related to virtual currencies.

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