Archive for October, 2017



By Catherine Osborn

For a boot camp on privacy, São Paulo’s symposium was anything but subtle. In May, the fourth annual CryptoRave drew 3,000 people to the Casa do Povo, a modernist downtown museum, for 30 hours of strobe-lit dance parties, craft beer and workshops on topics that ranged from offline health and “holistic security” to protecting personal communications from government and corporate spying. The overall objective: “Celebrate our connections to each other while learning to behave safely online,” organizer Gabi Juns tells OZY.

Russian cybersecurity company admits taking NSA code

From: New York Post


SAN FRANCISCO — Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab on Wednesday acknowledged that its security software had taken source code for a secret American hacking tool from a personal computer in the United States.

The admission came in a statement from the embattled company that described preliminary results from an internal inquiry it launched into media reports that the Russian government used Kaspersky anti-virus software to collect National Security Agency technology.

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Why autonomous vehicles might accelerate the theft of personal information

From: StateScoop

Commentary: As autonomous vehicles start to change the way states and cities think about transportation, agencies must think about the cybersecurity implications of the technology.

By Jim DeLorenzo


Government involvement in this technological and societal shift is growing. The SELF DRIVE Act is steering its way through the U.S. Congress. The bill, which would speed up the production and development of self-driving cars, passed the House in September, and earlier this month the Senate Commerce Committee unanimously approved it. It now heads to the full Senate for a vote. We may see self-driving cars on our streets very soon.

Maryland opens London trade office with focus on cybersecurity

From: / Baltimore

Maryland is looking to open up more cybersecurity business in the U.K. The new trade office is linked with iCyberCenter at bwtech@UMBC.

The state’s international business push is continuing with a new trade office in the United Kingdom, and cybersecurity is seen as a key to the growth.

The state announced that it is opening a trade office in London for the purpose of creating a new beachhead to engage with international partners. One big goal will be “enhancing Maryland’s global reach in cybersecurity,” Maryland Secretary of Commerce Mike Gill said in a statement.

The World Once Laughed at North Korean Cyberpower. No More.

From: New York Times

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When North Korean hackers tried to steal $1 billion from the New York Federal Reserve last year, only a spelling error stopped them. They were digitally looting an account of the Bangladesh Central Bank, when bankers grew suspicious about a withdrawal request that had misspelled “foundation” as “fandation.”


Now, the attacks are increasingly cunning. Security experts noticed in February that the website of Poland’s financial regulator was unintentionally infecting visitors with malware.

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Cyber security and data privacy in Argentina

From: Financier Worldwide

BY Enrique M. Stile, Diego Fernandez and Maria Eugenia Cantenys | Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal

This article will analyse and summarise Argentine regulations regarding cyber security and data privacy and explore internet issues in the context of employment relationships.

Data privacy

The most comprehensive statutory regulation regarding the protection of personal data in Argentina is the Personal Data Protection Law (Data Protection Law), which is regulated by Decree No. 1558/2001 and enforced by the Data Protection Authority (DPA).

Singapore-listed firms among world’s least exposed to cyber threats


Aaron Tan

A majority of publicly listed companies in Singapore had little or no exposure to cyber threats even as the country is being used as launch pad for cyber attacks

Singapore-listed companies ranked third globally in average cyber exposure, with 60% of them having little or no exposure to cyber threats, according to a cyber exposure index (CEI).

Developed by Kinkayo, a Singapore-based cyber intelligence company, the CEI assessed listed companies through data collected from publicly available sources, such as the dark and deep web, and from data breaches.

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